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“So,” said Jacob, “What school do you go to?” He was a little confused, he had never seen the guy before, and Aurora seemed quite comfortable with him compared to any other guy he’s seen her with.

“I’ve graduated already,” He just ate off of Aurora’s plate, the girl not interested in the eggs and sausage, choosing to instead enjoy the pancakes and bacon, “what about you.”

“Forks High, I’ll be graduating with Aurora.” He looked away, picking at his food, he didn’t like the guy if he was being honest, “graduated from what school?”

“La Push.” There was some obvious tension between the two guys of the group and only one of the girls noticed it, the other choosing to instead eat her meal, before trying to talk about anything.

“Guys,” Angela smiled, “no need to get hostile.” She teased, sending a rough nudge was given to Ben when she noticed Jacob didn’t even smile at the attempted joke she made.

“Hostile?” Aurora looked up, her eyes going onto Jacob who remained looking at their shared plate and picking off a piece of her pancake, “Jakie!” She groaned, all she wanted was the pancake, now there was a chance she was going to starve later.

“You're not gonna starve.” He frowned, though he did drop the breakfast cake back onto the plate for her to eat.

“You're not gonna starve.” Ben teased, already making kissy faces at Jacob who held himself back from punching the human in the face.

“You-shut up,” He groaned, he didn’t like the guy, and he was stuck with him for the entire day and possibly more if Aurora continued to hang out with them.

“Oh, Aurora.” Angela smiled, she had finished eating what little she had, “Ben said you went to the principal office yesterday.” She held a grin, “Is he as hot as everyone says? Is he married to Miss Merlin? Is he single?” She leaned forward, she liked a little bit of gossip but unlike her other friends she didn’t want to know just to judge, she was just curious.

“He's very nice.” Aurora blushed, the man was stunning, and the fact he talked to her with so much care and respect made her heart feel a little funny, “handsome also.” She smiled, of course Jacob was just sitting back in his seat staring at Ben who had a similar bored look on his face.

“Oh? A Greek God huh.” She gushed, though she didn’t forget to rub up on Ben’s arm to calm the boy’s intermul.

“Yeah, what did he want you for?” Ben drowned, “quite unusual for someone to be called for no reason.” He looked bothered but his voice held some uncertainty and Jacob nodded along with his words, pleased that he at least had some common sense.

“To go over my paperwork, apparently I forgot to put my signature on some papers, and he called me to finish up what I forgot.” She shrugged, his office was comfy to be in, and the man seemed to glow before her very eyes.

“Oh that’s reasonable.” Ben shrugged, he glanced at Jacob who stared at the table with an unreadable expression.

“What about that Leo guy?” Ben learned, “Why are you hanging around that freak!” He murmured harshly across the table and Aurora couldn’t help but frown, Jacob glowering at Ben for the expression.

“Leo is nice.” She signed, “I don’t want anybody to experience what I did.” She didn’t look upset, just disappointed, “I think Leo is just misunderstood, y'all should give him a chance.” She missed the flinch Angela gave.

For a fact, two out of the people at the table wouldn’t give him a chance. He belittled Angela any chance he got, and almost got Physical with Ben more than once, the teen wasn’t someone they wanted to get involved with, and for the sake of Aurora’s feelings didn’t think it was the time to tell her that.

“Misunderstood.” Ben scoffed, using his drink to cover the sneer that graced his face, “let's get a move on, it’ll be good to shop while it’s bright since the sun goes down pretty early around here.” He didn’t want to talk about the stuck up boy anymore, and used the excuse of paying for the food along with Jacob to walk away from the conversation.

“I see,” Aurora observed the two’s reaction, apparently they didn’t like Leo either.


“They actually agreed to help us.” Rosalie stared in disbelief, her sister smiling brightly and even bouncing around their living room with joy at the fact she was right, “the idiots.” She gasped, she couldn’t believe that she owed Emmett a new car over this.

“Yeah, boy!” Emmett cheered along with Alice, “Gonna get a new jeep!” At the moment, he cared about winning the little bet he made between his mate, he could care less about what was actually happening at the moment, and was feeling euphoric from the news.

“So Edward, get to dropping those grades.” Jasper smirked, this school year was going to be unique watching Edward fail this time around, He was glad it wasn’t him, though he couldn’t smell her, he didn’t want to risk feeling the need to take a nip out of her and Alice snatching his head off in the heat of the moment.

“I would never hurt you Jasper.” Alice pouted, hearing the male speak his thoughts out loud.

“She totally would.” Edward teased, “I saw it.” He was joking, he was positive that no one would have the heart to hurt their mate, but Alice was ready to tear Jasper’s arms off when she saw Leo with Aurora yesterday.

“I,” She paused, “I'm just excited that I get to speak with Aurora.” She squealed, “Oh, I wish I could see her future, just so I could get her a gift she would love!” She signed, her joy making Jasper smile and cling onto her with little kisses here and there.

“Oh brother.” Rosalie felt like choking someone, she would have to make an attempt to befriend Aurora, and she had a sneaking suspicion that the girl didn’t like her, like at all, and she didn’t know if that should make her happy or mad now that plans have been changed.

“The volturi is not going to like that we’re involving another human.” Carlisle frowned, but it was nothing they could do at the moment.

“We’re not involving her, just befriending her.” Alice corrected, still smiling, “The shifter’s and I will make sure she’ll never know who we are, it’ll be easy,” She squeaked.

“Or we can just hope that she’s a little slow.” Rosalie shrugged, ignoring the gasp Esme made at her rude comment.



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