~ 18 ~

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“This is painful to watch.” Emmett cringed, listening in to the Richwood’s conversation that they were failing to hold, because Charlie was a little too focused on Aurora to care about what they were saying.

“Very painful.” Edward frowned, after Aurora had shook hands with the parent’s of Leo he couldn’t hear their thoughts, he was now starting to feel a sort of anger rush over him because of that. How were they supposed to help if they couldn’t even know what they were planning?

“Calm down Edward, you're being a baby.” Rosalie rolled her eyes, the look Edward had on his face would’ve made her laugh if she wasn’t upset about spending her free time staring at a group of humans.

“Hush Rosalie, now's not the time to start a fight.” Carlisle signed, he needed quiet to hear the group, but his daughter and son were beginning to snap at each other for the hundredth time this evening.

“Yeah, yeah.” She complied but she still sent a few glances back towards an annoyed Edward, she really loved her brother if anyone could tell.

“Can’t read them.” Jasper shrugged, unlike Edward he wasn’t bothered that his gift didn’t work on anyone when Aurora touched them, he felt like it was work lifted off his shoulders and didn’t mind if the girl went on a hugging spree in their school.

“Well then what are suppose to do now?” Esme frowned, “Edward can’t read their thoughts and Jasper can’t read their emotions and Alice can barely see the Richwood’s future, and that's only when Aurora isn’t around?” She was confused, she didn’t want to upset the shifters for not holding their end of the deal, they already weren’t on good terms.

“Guys relax, we don’t need to read minds or feel emotions to understand exactly what the Richwoods are planning on doing.” Alice signed, “trust me, everything will work out just fine, if we all work together.” She gave a smile to everyone who returned their blankest look, Edward and Rosalie rolling their eyes but nodding along.

“Now, while all of you were talking, Richwood invited Aurora and Charlie to their place for dinner next Friday.” She smiled, “the future is a little hazy because of Aurora but I see broken glass, and Charlie’s distressed face.” She frowned, she couldn’t tell where the glass came from, but she guessed something bad would happen.

“Broken glass?” Emmett groaned, “just broken glass? What was it before it broke? Wine glass, window, bowl, or ceiling light.” he was annoyed, what exactly were they supposed to do, watch or stop it from happening?

“Transparent, but there wasn’t any liquid around it so I would guess either a window or light.” She shrugged, not really bothered by her unclear vision like the others were, she might’ve known what she was doing but the others were confused and a little annoyed, they didn’t know what to do or how to deal with it and that frustrated them, especially Edward who was used to knowing things.

“Great.” Esme smiled, “at least we know something.” She nudged her husband, and Jasper who gave her a blank look, annoyance covering his face.

“Yeah, something.” The things he did for his wife and family.


“So how about dinner this Friday at our place?” Richard smiled, his lips appearing strained as he took in the lack of attention the Swan’s were giving him. He wasn’t used to getting ignored and didn’t like the fact he was, in fact hated it.

“Dinner at your place?” Charlie wanted to scoff, there was no way he was going to their house, he didn’t want to get to know them more, “Can’t be Friday, we have something planned that day.” Like Aurora suggested, they would be playing baseball at the reservation with friends, they’ll also be staying late for dinner also.

“Saturday?” Leona suggested, rubbing her husband’s tense shoulders.

“Working real late, and Aurora will be at her Aunt’s and Uncle’s,” he sipped his drink.

“Sunday?” Leo shrugged, he really wanted Charlie to agree.

“That's our father daughter day.” He didn’t look at them when he spoke, choosing to instead busy himself with cutting up what was left of his steak and giving it to Aurora so she could stop poking around on his plate.

“Well then,” Leona wanted to roll her eyes, she was starting to feel frustrated, she had never been rejected before and it was starting to show, “any days that you are open?” She gave her best smile, looking at Aurora who hadn't said anything yet.

“No?” Aurora thought for a moment, “I’m tired from school, and busy on the weekends.” She spoke slowly, only because she didn’t want to offend her new friend, she was getting to know Leo better but she didn’t want to show up at his house, he was still unnerved enough to where she didn’t want to be alone with him.

“I see.” Richard held back a scoff, “if you find that you have time open, give us a call.” He basically tossed his number to Charlie and opened his wallet to slam a stack of cash down for the food, “keep whatever's left.” He got up to leave, clearly angry about something, but Leo and Leona at least were more civil as they waved goodbye to the duo and rushed after Richard.

“They're nice.” Aurora smiled, finishing off the cut steak.

“If you say so.” Charlie needed a drink, and he wasn’t talking about the tea Aurora had abandoned in favor of his Pepsi.



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