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Aurora was fully healed, though she was only putting up a front while still being hurt. The Blacks, nor the Clearwaters knew she had enhanced healing properties and it was Charlie's mission to make sure they didn't, or at least it used to be. He was now pretty nonchalant about it, though still made her wear the bandages around her head and cast, just to keep up the act whenever the said people came to visit.

His head was full of all types of things, the Cullens, Richwoods, Nicholai Pierce, and Miranda Merlin, even his dear Aurora was floating around in there. After that conversation with Nicholai about who and what he was along with Miranda he was just dumbfounded. It wasn't everyday that someone came up to you with outrageous claims, and demands, but Nicholai surely did rock his world.

Who wouldn't know that the girl he had taken under his wing was a Queen, and something that he questioned throughout his life? Though he was a little relieved that he knew exactly how to properly care for her since she was underage, he would have Nicholai's and Miranda's help and he couldn't be more grateful, but the married part was a little much for him.

Who also would've known that Bella was still alive, and the Cullen's weren't human at all, the tribal stories starting to make a lot more sense now that he finally had an eye opener. He didn't know how to feel, or what he should feel. Should he feel disgusted? Afraid? Angry or even sad? He didn't know, and at the moment he didn't want to know. He was feeling too much at once and needed to rest his head before he ended up hospitalized himself from the stress.

"Papa?" Aurora waddled into his room, she held a plate in her hand, two grilled cheese sandwiches sitting on top of each other, "I made lunch?" She wasn't the best cook but she had learned a few things from when she went down to visit her dear Auntie Sue.

"Grilled cheese again?" He teased, though he had questions about Aurora, it was a fact that his love for her wouldn't change, just his way of how he saw her.

"I can try frying you a ham sandwich if you don't want it?" She tried not sounding upset, but her little pout gave it away that she didn't notice she was being teased.

"No, baby it's fine, I'm just teasing you." He said, "Your grilled cheese is the best." He sat up, since he was off of work again to take care of Aurora he had found himself staying in bed a lot longer than usual, since he rarely got to do so in his adult life.

"Oh, okay." She waddled farther into his room, she had already finished up her sandwich and was just wanting to bring Charlie his while it was still hot and ready.

"So," He didn't know how to start this conversation off with her, "have anything with your powers lately?" He was curious, her hair usually did it's little floating thing, when they were home alone but it didn't seem to be doing that at all this month.

"My hair doesn't float anymore." She muttered, a sad smile on her face as she played with a strand of hair, "I haven't heard the voice either, since I've started school." She shrugged, the voice in her head had left on her first day of school, never to return.

"It hasn't?" He knew why, the voice was now in her presence, it didn't need to be in her head anymore to speak with her, they now had a body they could talk out of.

"Your hair only floats when we're alone." He rubbed her head, the strands slightly curling around his fingers, it would never reach out to him again like it used to.

"Well maybe we're not alone." Aurora giggled at her little joke, Charlie looking out the window with contempt. Of course they weren't after the talk with Nicholai he figured Aurora's weird behavior was because she was being watched.

"Maybe not." He frowned, though his feelings for the Cullen's didn't change, he still was very upset at them for taking his daughter away from him, and upset with Bella for lying and causing him such unnecessary pain.

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