~ 14 ~

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“It’s all wrong.” Emmett, sat in a tree, the Shifter’s staring harshly at the Cullen’s that sat up in the trees, “It’s all very wrong.” He shook his head, and of course everyone turned to look at Alice who sat sheepishly in the tree a couple branches above Edward.

“I saw this also.” She signed, “I just didn’t see farther than I wanted because Aurora had blocked me from Leah’s, Jacob’s, and Seth’s future.” She didn’t seem sorry though because she only let a couple of dry chuckles.

“Sure.” Edward scoffed, he didn’t believe it for one second but at this moment she needed to fix whatever was happening at the moment, “They want to know why you're so attached to Aurora.” That was a lie, but it was something that had everyone’s ears perking in wonder, though Leah let out a few low grumbles from her throat.

“I don’t know, it’s nothing like how I felt with Bella, though.” She shrugged, “She feels familiar to me, and I don’t want to lose that feeling she gives me.” She smiled, but her eyes were quick to glare at Edward for an unknown reason.

“Any more questions?” She stared at the wolves, they had yet to ask what exactly Aurora was in danger of, “you know, questions about Aurora.” She moved her hand around in an ‘come on’ expression.

“What is the problem,” Edward rolled his eyes.

“There’s this boy, Leo Richwood, I’m sure you’ve heard of his father that’s been wanting to do something on the reservation for his own gain?” She smirked, she could see them getting riled up already and that’s exactly what she wanted when they heard that name.

“Well the son, Leo, is known for getting with girls and killing them off.” That wasn’t necessarily true, Leo was private and it was known that he dated only one girl, but they didn’t need to know that, “is target is Aurora and to get to Aurora he’s going to attempt to get to Charlie.” She smiled, the older man was a sore spot for everyone on the reservation, being good friends with Sue, Billy, and Harry, the three main Elders of the pack, he was widely respected.

“They want you to go on.” Edward was slightly amazed, she managed to get them to see her side, what a feat because Carlisle had to really talk his way around them to get somewhat close to what he wanted.

“Well,” She jumped down from the tree, “Let’s talk,” She grinned she couldn’t help the thoughts that flowed through her head and Edward just attempted to ignore her thought’s in favor of reading the Shifters.

“Oh, Leo, you didn’t tell me she was a doll!” Leona basically kicked the door down, with the brightest eyes Leo had ever seen on his mother, “oh she is perfect! So cute!” She wanted to cling onto the boy, but she herself knew her son didn’t like skin to skin contact with anybody.

“Yeah?” He was still gazing at the photo his mother sent via text, a dopey smile on his face as he took in her appearance. She was always the modest type, she might show a little leg but the chest area was off limits as far as he was concerned.

“She dresses pretty modestly with cuteness.” Leona seemed shocked, “girls his age should be wanting to show off.” She seemed like she was upset when she spoke but Leo knew his mother was just shocked that she had some class with her.

“I’m surprised that she was out.” Leo frowned, “She was supposed to be spending the night with the Webers.” He ignored the frown on his mother’s face.

“She was with the Webers, they just seemed to be in a shopping mood.” She shrugged, “She shouldn’t be hanging out with them though.” She spoke with a hint of snobbiness but one would be surprised if this family didn’t speak with some sort of happiness.

“Oh,” Leo just frowned, right now he can’t do anything about it but he’ll be sure to do something about it later, when Aurora is attached to his name.

“And invite her to dinner.” His mother smiled, “I have to finish my shopping.” Going out again just gave her a reason to buy even more, but who would tell her no.


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