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“So, Charlie’s little girl?” Richard, Leo’s dad, stared at his son’s phone in pure interest, the girl looked quite cute and he saw why his son liked the girl so much, “this is the girl that has you rejecting Rosalie and Alice Cullen?” He signed, it wasn’t like he was upset, the Cullen’s had been avoiding them and even managing to escape his proposals to ask for their hand in marriage for his son, but it wasn’t like his son was upset that none of the girls wanted to marry him.

“Yes, father.” Leo looked over his shoulder to view the picture he’s already viewed over a hundred times, “isn’t she perfect?” He smiled, his father was quite picky, he probably wouldn’t like her because she didn’t come from money but that wasn’t something that should be worried about since he’ll be taking care of her anyways.

“She’s pretty,” He shrugged, “no money though.” He frowned, “are you just interested in her looks?” He looked disappointed at Leo, he thought the boy knew better, because the last time he went after a poor girl it didn’t end well for her.

“Father she’s perfect!” Leo scoffed, “a lot more so than Mother.” He frowned, “She’s smart, and while she doesn’t come from much money, her beauty makes up for it.” He signed, he couldn’t understand why his father was so strung up on money, they had enough of it and didn’t really anymore.

“Better than your mother?” The older man wanted to scoff, no one was better than Leona, “your delusional song, poor people aren’t able to be trained properly.” He handed the phone back, annoyed that the boy had the nerve to say such things.

“Dad, she’s already trained, she acts a lot more classy than the Cullen’s do.” He smirked, “strolling through his phone for the few videos he’d taken of her without her knowing, “there’s little to no training needed.” He passed the phone in delight, a grin crossing over his face as his father reluctantly watched the video he had taken.

“Mannerisms, walk, talk, behavior,” Richard nodded. The video was taken in History, showing Aurora passing out papers for the class and answering questions that the teacher asked. She is quite smart. Aren’t you in Advanced Placement?” His eyes lit up, Leo grinning as he took in his father’s pleased look.

“Yes, I am, she has two other Advanced Placement classes, though I’m not in the class with her in either of those.” He frowned, that was something quite unfortunate in his opinion.

“Aurora, Swan, she walks like she was born into money.” His father thought, rubbing his beard in thought, “isn’t she adopted?” He glanced at Leo with a look.

“Yes sir, Charlie Swan had adopted her after she was found by Doctor Cullen who was rumored to be rejected for adopting her himself.” He smiled, flirting with those poor girls really did come in handy, he got the information he knew his father might’ve wanted to know.

“He got rejected.” He mumbled, “the reason why?” He was thoroughly interested in the girl now, she was something he hadn't seen before, so plaitent and submissive was what he was looking for.

“She was highly afraid of Doctor Cullen.” He frowned, “the reason why wasn’t known.” He shrugged, he didn’t really care, he was glad she wasn’t adopted into that filthy family anyways.

“Well then,” His father, sat up in his seat, “when will this girl be brought to see us.” He smiled, he talked with a hint of excitement, “I must find more about her, maybe she was born into a rich family, and because of how amazing she was they wanted to hide her away from any potential husbands.” It was a far-fetched idea, but people would be surprised how many rich men hide away their daughter’s because they know they’ll only be wanted for one thing.

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