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Of course, the ride to the reservation was a little longer than expected, but that was only because Jacob was going slow to get Aurora more comfortable with the idea of riding on a motorcycle, which he was shocked to know that she didn’t necessarily hate it, just a little worried she’ll fall off whenever he did a sharp turn or went along a curve.

“I’m sure you had fun?” Sue grinned, she had a warm sandwich and a juice ready for when Jacob brought her over to her place.

“Yeah! Met so many new people and even made friends.” She softly smiled, thinking about her friends made Aurora a little giddy inside and she didn’t know if it was because these are her first friends or if it was because they treat her so nicely.

“So everyone is treating you well?” Harry asked, he was sitting in the living room watching tv but he was still listening in on the conversation that had started when the young girl had walked into the room.

“Very well.” Aurora had signed just a little under her breath, she was still thinking about Jessica and Leo. Those two were the weirdest but Jessica was by far the meanest to her and for reasons she doesn’t understand.

“Sure?” Seth wondered in, she didn’t sound convincing but he was positive she would tell Charlie if something terrible happened.

“Yea.” She smiled, right now she had no homework, but she could fill out a little bit of the paperwork that was given to her while she was enjoying her meal that Sue happily made for her.

“Okay.” What else could he say, other than accept what he was given?

“So, I'm guessing you plan on staying in school for the rest of the school year?” Sue frowned, “don’t make your decision so quickly when you only have to stay for a couple of weeks.” She really wanted the girl to take her up on her offer to homeschool her, but she would understand her need to branch out and meet new people.

“I do, everyone seems very nice, and the principal promised to make sure everything goes well for me.” Aurora smiled, she had a faint blush on her face thinking of the kind man who helped her get the papers together. He was very attentive to her needs, and was quite polite for his appearance but no one should be judged just because of how they looked.

“oh? “ Harry turned around in his seat, “I heard Forks had two new people join the school? A man and a woman, are they married?” He looked curious, it wasn’t everyday that Forks got new people in town and everyone in the house seemed to be interested besides Jacob who only snorted and choked down his lunch Sue had made for him also.

“No,” Aurora frowned, she couldn’t think of the two being anything more than coworkers, “but they do live together.” She wanted to pout but she had no reason to do so and didn’t want anybody to question why she sounded so upset.

“Friends?” Seth wondered, he looked like he was thinking quite hard about everything.

“Unmarried Lovers, seems about right.” Sue mumbled, Harry nodding along to her words, the older couple didn’t believe a grown woman and man could be just friends, there had to be something else going on.

“Oh please.” Leah scoffed, “two people of the opposite gender can live together without being together, together.” She rolled her eyes, her parents could be quite closed minded sometimes.

“Yeah!” Aurora nodded, happy that someone else thought that they could truly be just friends, “they can?” Though she was a little confused, her mother didn’t believe in it also and made sure to enforce that into her mind also.

“Yeah.” Leah signed, she ruffled the girls hair, she kinda understood if Aurora didn’t know what she was talking about but her parents seemed to admit about not letting it go.

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