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"You know, something different about Aurora, right?" Nicholai sipped on a glass of wine, he seemed to be doing that alot lately and Miranda doesn't know if it's to express how rich he is without words, or he's just stressing, "she can do things you haven't seen before." He starred in Charlie's eyes.

"How do you know that?" He was suspicious, ''what did Aurora's Principal have anything to do about this, "did she tell you, or did you accidentally stumble across her doing something?" He had to tread carefully, he didn't want word getting out that Aurora was doing things impossible to mankind.

"I'm her husband." He shrugged, not even bothered by the dropped beer glass that was in Charlie's hand, "we've been married for quite some time actually." Like a lovesick puppy, he leaned back in his chair to reminisce about all the things they used to do together.

"Husband?" He was too shocked to think, "Aurora's married to you?" In his head, he was thinking it was impossible for his seventeen year old daughter to have a husband already, "was she married off to you by her old parents!" Enraged, he stood up, he'll have to find those people that previously had the girl, it was illegal to marry off a child to some older man, it was considered to be human trafficking, and he couldn't bear the thought of Aurora going through that.

"Calm down," Nicholai signed, "no her parents didn't marry her off to me, the second she was born she belonged to me." He frowned, "I don't expect a human like you to understand what's Fate, but Aurora was Fated to me the second she had a heartbeat." He placed the glass down with a pose, a calm expression on his face, though the annoyance shone bright in his dark eyes.

"Fated!" He was still angry, and yelling, but at least he was listening, "Fated? To you? Who even are you?" He snapped, he wasn't pleased to know his daughter was already taken by another man, sure she was old enough to date, should be dating, but he didn't want her too, he didn't want Aurora near any guy that had an attraction to her.

"Yes, Fated, I'm not a bad person you know, I helped you gain information about your failure of a daughter." He smirked, he could see the fire light behind Charlie's eyes at the mention of Bella.

"Oh yeah, the girl will also be facing punishment for attacking the Queen." He frowned, "so I suggest you get back on the idea of her being dead, because her head's going to be removed whether you like it or not." The two men stared at each other, both with fire in their eyes that held different emotions.

"Why?" Charlie mumbled, "what did she do?" She could've done something so bad that she needed to be killed for it so what exactly did she do?

"Attempted to kill Aurora." nonchalantly speaking, he watched Charlie's face fall, "though if it wasn't for me transferring a bit of my energy to her, she would've died." He frowned, "she has to pay for that, I need my people to know that any act of violence against me is a death wish." He didn't really care if he was losing Charlie's favor by saying he'll kill his daughter, because his first priority was Aurora, though he did care about how Charlie felt, being curious and all.

"She did?" He couldn't think straight, "her and the Cullens?" The pain in his heart increased as he realized he was being lied to, those Cullens dared take his daughter away, then pretend she was dead.

"No, just her." He scoffed, "though they did knock Aurora down the stairs a day ago." He chuckled a bit, amused by Charlie's ragged breath.

"I thought that Leo boy did it!" He felt a little disappointed that he acted so rash towards the Lady of the Richwood family, "I need to apologize to Leona." He signed, he felt ashamed of himself, his father didn't raise him to disrespect women no matter how bad they can get sometimes.

"No need," waving his hand Nicholai stood up, "she wanted to apologize for bothering you and Aurora, which she did, by coming to me for information." He smirked, "don't make her feel like her gift is useless." He went back to sipping on his wine. Charlie finally calmed down enough to sit back down, the broken glass of the beer glass, cleaned up and replaced by some random maid.

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