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Spring break, the week that should be spent shopping and spending time with friends, but is instead being wasted on resting. She wasn't upset, wasn't jealous of her friends that told their stories of going down to the beach, or up to seattle where they shopped all day and ate delicious food from the carnival that had arrived for the time being, she wasn't, but she was a little depressed that she couldn't leave the house.

"Oh, oh cheer up Aurora, your dad is letting you hangout with us at the beach tomorrow." Angela gave her leg a little pat, her soft smile doing very little to make Aurora feel better.

"But I can't get in the water." She whined, "what's the point of going if I can't splash around with everyone else?" She felt like crying, her eyes already turning pink from the strain of holding her tears back, but she was a big girl, she wouldn't cry over something so trivial.

"Jacob, Seth, and I will be there." Leah grinned, "I'll chill on the sand with you, I'm not too fond of swimming anyways." She was behind Aurora, clinging onto her from the side as the two of them laid in bed.

They were having a sleepover, since Aurora was too injured to leave the house, everyone came to her, bringing snacks, drinks, and all types of things that would occupy their time together.

"Guess I do need a tan." she chuckled, she had long since gotten her boot off after a couple of weeks, but her head remained wrapped. Doctor Lee not saying anything about it being healed up faster than normal, but instead quickly wrapping the dressing back on and filing her down for another appointment soon. How weird that was for both Charlie and Aurora but only one of them knew why the Doctor had reacted that way.

"No you don't," Angela mumbled, "you're perfect the shade you are." The tan would take away from her hair, pale skin suiting her ginger hair, and blue eyes flawlessly, "It's me who needs a tan." She looked just as pretty, though she felt like she was lacking in something, and can't explain why she was feeling that way.

"You don't." Aurora frowned, "why do you think you need a tan?" She only heard Jessica and Lauren talking about tans and whatever else beauty standards they saw in a magazine, so the words coming out of Angela's mouth was a big surprise.

"No reason." She shrugged, feeling down in the dumps and it was probably over something so silly.

"Don't sound like nothing." Leah frowned, she knew where those words were coming from, she had felt the same way and it was probably because of partner.

"It's just something trivial, and small, nothing too serious to worry about." She dug around in a box, "let me paint your nails, Leah!" She pulled out a deep red bottle of nail polish, apparently her and Aurora thought the same because Aurora also wanted to paint Leah's nails red.

"Sure, but you should really talk about it, and find out that it helps more than you think." She smiled, not from the choice of words, but because of the feeling of feminine, she hadn't really injured that side of her since Sam seemed to like that about her, but obviously if he imprinted on Emily then he probably hated it more than he let on.

"Well," She arranged herself around Aurora, who picked up a bottle of white polish to paint onto Leah's finger's, "Aurora knows I'm dating Ben, and I saw him speaking with Lauren before Spring break started, and he was complimenting her tan." She gave a tight lipped smile, so far Leah didn't see what was wrong with that, but Aurora who knew started to frown.

"I thought he hated Lauren? Why would he compliment her?" She frowned, she really liked Ben, and thought he was perfect with Angela, but complimenting someone who he 'doesn't like' was a little weird even if she had no experience with dating.

"He hates her?" Leah was confused, "why?" Her thoughts were jumbled, but they were still saying it was nothing wrong with complimenting someone, or that was because she wasn't really possessive so she never cared when Sam did it when they were dating.

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