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"Jakie!" Aurora cheered, catching the attention of everyone in the parking lot as the girl ran into Jacob's arms, "I missed you so much! And school was so much funnier than I thought it would be!" She clung onto him, he had a bike he had fixed up so this would be her first time riding a motorcycle.

"Hey, Aurora." He grinned, though it looked forced as his eyes stared back at the Cullens, he still held some sort of disdain at Edward for taking Bella away from him, and seeing their interest in Aurora just made him more upset.

"Coming down to the rest for an afternoon of fun before Charlie gets you?" He smiled, "Sue made a small meal for you, since the lunch she packed wasn't that much to begin with." He was in a rush to get her away from this place and escape the smell of the Cullens.

"Yes! Auntie Sue cooked!" She was excited, this would be her first time going down to the reservation without Charlie and she couldn't wait, "Can I see the beach again?" That was her favorite place, fortunately the cold didn't really bother her like everyone thought it would but Charlie wasn't too worried about it knowing she was a little different then what people thought her to be.

"Only if Charlie calls and says it's okay." After all, it was cold at the beach today, but taking her down there would simply give him a reason to cuddle close to him.

"I'll ask!" She rocked on her heels, typing away on her phone as she ignored the stares of people around them, but they were starting to stress Jacob out, why were they staring at them so hard.

"Aurora darling!" Miranda stormed out the building, she held a stack of papers in her hand, "I forgot to give these to you Sweetie." Jacob looked, this woman was weird, in a bad way though, she seemed like she knew more than she let on and that slightly unnerved him. He obviously can't do anything about that at the moment, but he made a mental note to inform everyone of the possible threat that was near Aurora.

"Papers?" She looked confused, "I thought I did everything?" She was handed mountains of paperwork to do before school started, they needed to find out what classes to put her in and the test they gave her would do that for them.

"Those were placement tests, these are things that your father has failed to do before school has started." In all honesty it wasn't much, it was just a lot of reading, and the school hadn't gotten Aurora's full information since she was unknown only a few months ago.

"Oh, for Papa." Aurora nodded, she seemed to understand now, "I'll be sure to give these to Papa!" She smiled, this woman was her favorite out of all her other teachers, she was so nice to her and super pretty. She doesn't mind being in her class for the rest of the year.

"Thank you darling." She grinned, "no rush to get it done though it would be preferable to get it done by Friday." That was only a few days away since the school year started on a Tuesday, and the only thing that should take a while is the reading.

"Okay!" Aurora packed the papers away, she didn't want them to get messed up when she rode off with Jacob.

"Is that all?" He looked around, "need to turn anything in before we have to go?" He was taken out of school which means he didn't get to finish but that was fine with him, it gave him more time to hangout with Aurora something he was thankful for since his father, Harry, and Sue demanded that Sam give him and Leah time to watch Aurora when the time comes for it.

"Nothing?" She looked around, "but I do need to turn this slip in, forgot to do so before I left the class." She frowned, but hopefully it wouldn't take much for Shelly to file the paperwork.

"I'll stay behind while you go do that then." He signed, though it was mostly because he'll have to stay in this smelly parking lot with the Cullen's a lot longer than planned.

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