~ 19 ~

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“So you're going through with the plan of befriending Leo Richwood.” Leah restated, she felt pretty apprehensive of the boy after the Cullens had spilled what they knew about them, “the weird kid in your school?” She knew Aurora had a heart of gold, but befriending someone who gave you the creeps was something normal people wouldn’t do.

“Yup,” with a smile, Aurora nodded her head, stuck on the idea that she wanted to be friends with the guy, “he’s not creepy, just misunderstood.” Leah wanted to scoff, the Cullens made the boy out to be the creepiest thing to grace the earth and she didn’t know why they even wanted them to know about the family, other than their causing trouble for the reservation.

“Are you sure?” She gave the young girl a gentle nudge, “what if he makes you uncomfortable?” She was looking out for the girl, a little worried that she wanted to hang out with someone so weird but feeling a little soft that she wanted someone to feel so welcome.

“I understand he acts a little weird but he’s very nice once you get past his quirkiness.” She signed, “Papa hates him also, told me to stop talking to him, but I don’t want to do that.” She looked ready to cry, “I don’t want him to be alone like I was.” She wasn’t someone who would disobey their father, but she felt like this was something worth fighting for.

“As long as he’s nice.” She couldn't do anything else, Aurora obviously felt very strongly about Leo and she didn’t think she could convince her otherwise.

They were at the Clearwater’s home, Jacob always picking her up after school and dropping her off at the Clearwater’s before leaving for ‘work.’ They were in Leah’s room, sitting around talking about their day like usual while Sue fixed dinner for everyone.

“Are you and Emily still fighting?” Aurora mumbled, speaking slowly in hopes Leah knew she didn’t mean any harm, “about Sam, his name is Sam right?” She blushed, she never had the chance to talk about relationships and boys before, so she was scared of messing it up.

“No and yes.” Leah groaned, “No because we aren’t speaking anymore, and yes because I’m still very upset with her.” She couldn’t really explain the imprinting thing to her, and she didn’t want to accept the imprinting. Made her feel angry that she didn’t have a choice in who she could be with, but made her happy that someone that was perfect for her would be out there waiting.

“Not speaking? Is it because she’s still with Sam? Or is it because Sam doesn’t want you speaking to her?” Aurora frowned, she she haven’t met any of the other boys on the reservation besides Jacob and Seth so she didn’t know anything about them expect what Jacob and Seth said, but she knew they were all a little rough around the edges, “is it the fact your upset because she hurt your feelings by getting with Sam or is it because she took Sam away from you?” She looked a mixture of confused and curious, she also hoped that her words didn’t upset Leah, but she looked like regular Leah to her.

“Both,” She signed, “She knew I was dating Sam, but still got with him anyways. Though in some way, she didn’t really have a choice.” She mumbled, she was just upset the love of her life left her, in the back of her mind she knew it wasn’t Emily’s fault that Sam imprinted on her.

“Then tell her that, you don’t have to forgive her, just let her know you're not upset and just disappointed.” Aurora shrugged, “I never get to have conversations like this so it's nice to talk about things that I usually wouldn’t.” She smiled, hugging Leah as they laid on the bed together, “you’ll find someone better.” She cuddled up to the older girl, clinging onto her with a smile.

“Girls, dinner and Charlie’s here Aurora!” Sue shouted from downstairs, the girls didn’t move, despite Aurora lifting her head up at the sound of her Papa’s name.

“Few more minutes.” Leah kept her grip onto Aurora’s waist, she didn’t want to get up right now.

“Okay.” Smiling, she complied and laid down for a few more minutes. Sue probably wouldn’t bother them anymore after she said what needed to be said, but they had to be quick still, otherwise Harry and Seth would eat everything.



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