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Now, after two months of school and talking with her new friends, Aurora was sitting in the principal’s office facing the one and only Nicholai Pierce. She was sent there during her PE class, since she technically wasn’t doing anything there, but she didn’t know why she was there. She got good grades, and she hadn’t done anything wrong, at least she hoped she didn’t, but here she was sitting in one of his chair’s fidgeting and squirming in place as he typed away on his computer.

“You're not in trouble.” He was still typing on his computer, though he glanced up to attempt to calm Aurora down, “Just need some guidance.” He continued to type, ignoring the fact that Aurora was staring a nice sized hole into his forehead.

“I”m not,” She nodded, repeating the words to calm herself down, “what am I here for?” She curled herself up in the comfy seat, and sat back waiting for Nicholai to finish whatever he was doing.

“Class.” He stopped whatever he was doing, “You're not able to take PE because of your health, but you need to be doing something, so for this upcoming Thanksgiving break I want you to think of a class you’ll want to take in place of the previous.” He turned his computer around to show her a list of classes that would be available.

“Because we’re technically cutting into the middle of a semester, you’ll have to pick a nine week class.” He pointed to the classes that were highlighted in yellow, “see anything that peps your interest? You're a senior so getting out of class early would also be an option.” He smiled, sure a class would have to be rearranged since PE is her third but she’ll be out of some classes after December anyways.

“Um, art?” She looked confused, there were many options she could choose from, but she had yet to have an art, “I'd like to do art?” Though she was a little nervous, she hadn’t really done anything art related in a while and was a little shy at the idea of putting her work out in public again.

“You don’t sound sure, there are other classes you can take, like music, or even horticulture.” Nicholai, glanced at the choices, “you can come back tomorrow if you can’t choose right now.” He smiled, “no rush at all, you can even stay in the gym.”

“N-No, no.” She frowned, “what’s horticulture?” She didn’t have that class in her old school, they had botany but that was more of a science class than a career class.

“Part of the school’s Career and Tech program, though for you to get a license you need to have the class for two years, though, I’m sure you would have fun growing plants.” He smiled, he wouldn't mind watching her take care of plants like she usually did, back at home.

“Wow,” She never thought of doing that before, “I would like to take that but can I take Art next semester too?” She smiled, she liked the idea of taking care of plants, it would give her something to do and she was sure if she asked Papa, he wouldn’t mind.

“That can be arranged,” He got to work on moving around her classes for the next semester, “that's all, you can head back to class, though drop by the office before you leave to pick up your new speciale.” He smiled, ignoring the curious looks the girl was giving him, maybe she found him attractive or something but she sure didn’t mind staring.

“Thank you.” She mumbled, still staring, at this moment she would’ve gotten up and left because they were done talking about what she was called into his office for, but she didn’t move, nor did she remove her eyes from his sitting figure.

“You're dismissed, Miss Swan.” Nicholai, glanced up at her, confused, she was usually in a hurry to leave, “unless there is a problem you need to discuss with me?”

“No,” She finally moved to stand, “you just looked familiar, that’s all.” She left, leaving Nicholai to grin, sure it might’ve given the poor girl a scare, but he was right after all to plant that little dream into her head.


❤️Y'all I'm sorry, I've been trying to write a scene where she talks to Nicholai, but still is pretty unhappy with it, but I got it done

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Y'all I'm sorry, I've been trying to write a scene where she talks to Nicholai, but still is pretty unhappy with it, but I got it done.

❤️Also, writer's block😷

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