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You and Rin entered your 3rd year with ease. Rin and you both moved back in to your houses.

Yame was really mad he left and she made him promise not to leave like that so suddenly ever again.

After things calmed down you guys went back to school. You also caught up with Misa and her tea on Osamu.

"Yes miss L/n you may use the restroom." The teacher excused you.

You walked the halls, you were bored as you looked down the empty hallways. You felt a tight grip go around your wrist.

You gasped and before you knew it you were pressed against the wall. You knew it wasn't Rin. He wouldn't have done something like this.

The person was rough too. They had both their hands on your hips as you tried squirming. You felt their lips pressed on to yours.

You tried pushing them off but you couldn't. They continued to kiss you. Over and over again. You hated every moment of it.

You kicked who ever it was in the crouch and they fell to the ground.

"Rei!? What the fuck!?" You gasped at your classmate on the floor.

You were beyond shocked. He seemed like a gentle guy. Very soft.

Brown hair to compliment his honey eyes. But you didn't think he'd do something like this.

"Sorry it's just you looked really hot. And I couldn't stop thinking about you." He avoided eye contact.

"What!? How does that explain what you just did!? You just forced a make out session with me."

"I'm sorry! It's just- you know I really like you but. You don't pay any attention to anyone. It got to the point I didn't know what to do with myself."

"If it was that bad then why didn't you just confess? That would be better than forcing me to do whatever the hell that was! I'm getting out of here. Simps are dangerous."

You walked away from him. You couldn't believe what had just happened. You wanted to tell Rin but you didn't know if you should. You didn't say anything, just in case they had some kind of bond you didn't want to break that.

You went back to class. You tried to clear your head but it wasn't enough.

What would've happened if I didn't stop him right then? How far would he have gone?

You were so confused.

"Oi." You felt a light tap on your head.

You looked up and saw your boyfriend. He looked down at you with a concerned expression.

"You good you seem out of it?"

"Yeah I'm fine." You faked a small smile.

"Wanna go somewhere? We don't have to sit with the others today."

"Sure." You shrugged.

You followed the tall male out the building and out to the back. You both sat down under a tree.

"So what's going on?" Rin asked.

"Nothing much. Just had some issues in 3rd period."

"What issues?"

"Nothing much."

He looked even more concerned. Which was not a good thing.

You both ate in an uncomfortable silence. It was hurting you that you couldn't say anything but you didn't need Rin getting into another fight because of you.

You left it alone.

You went home and laid on your bed. You FaceTimed Misa and told her all about it.

"You should tell him. I know it'll be annoying but it's better than to risk him finding out himself and getting mad at you." Misa suggested.

"I dunno. If it causes him to lose a friend it'll be my fault."

"Man Suna doesn't talk to Rei. They've probably had like two conversations."

"Yeah I guess. I'll try telling him tomorrow. No promises though."


"Anyways what's going on with you and Osamu."

"We're good now. I've still been really upset about it though."

"It's so rude to point something out like that."


"Ignore her. Your thick and there's nothing wrong with it. You're a boss bitch you'll be alright. Plus, you got that corset waist and them tits. You're hot."

She smiled.

You knew how hard it is to constantly be judged for something you couldn't control. She needed those words of encouragement.

"Y/n!!" Your room door swung open and a young girl jumped into your arms.

"Oh hey Yui! How are you?" You smiled.

"I'm good auntie how are you."

"I'm good. Where'd you come from."

"Oh dad brought me here. There's also Rin and Yame at the door."

"Oh my. Misa let me call you right back after I deal with these dummies."

"Kk. See you laterrer!" She smiled before hanging up.

You turned your attention back to your niece.

"Take me to the idiots." You stood up.

She lead you downstairs. Your brother and his wife were at the door.

"Kai, Chiyo, what're you guys doing here?" You smiled.

"We we're dropping by since Mom and dad are gone for a bit." Kai explained, "We ran into these two on our way."

You then directed to your boyfriend. Who smiled a little when the two of you made eye contact.

"Hey there." He smiled.

"Why's everyone popping up at my house out of nowhere." You sighed.

"I got bored." He patted your head.

You sorted out the mess you were in. You then sat down on the carpet in your living room. Rin sat next to you. Chiyo and Kai sat on the couch.

"Um." You played with your fingers.

"There's something we really need to tell you." Kai played with his shirt sleeve.

"Really? Same."

Rin rubbed the back of his neck.

"You go first." Kai urged.

"No you."

"Ok then. Well, Chiyo."

Chiyo smiled softly while rubbing her stomach, "We're going to have another baby. I'm pregnant."

You gasped. It was great news to you considering the last time she was pregnant it wasn't the best news, "Really no way!"

"Yeah." Kai nervously chuckled.

"Wow." Rin raised his eyebrows.

"Now then, what was your news?" Kai asked.

"We're dating." You simply shrugged.

"Oh really? That's great as well!" Chiyo smiled.

"Yeah I figured." Kai shrugged.

"What really!?" You exclaimed.


Yes another chapter that's a little short. I've had testing and it was stressing me out plus mental health issues so yeah.

I will start uploading more often hopefully.

Candy and caffeine| R.Sunaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن