Chapter 22[OLD]

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While the rewards are amazing, I realise one problem, I used all my strength into that one strike that I cannot even channel mana properly on a whim, rendering fire enhancement useless.


I grab my sore arm holding the sword.

This guy is in a high Foundation Establishment realm, Seven Stars of Sword won't work on him because of the difference in cultivation.

"Now now, it seems that you have used most of your strength on that attack, let me deal with you first." The leader says.


He appears in front of me as I take out the Neptune artifact and brace for impact. His greatsword slams down onto the shield with immense force, surrounding ground breaks and folds upwards as a whirl of wind blows Mina and Julius away.

I cough out a little blood as my hands become numb.

Shit... My injury from the tournament has still not recovered.

I jump back away from the leader, if not for Neptune, I would already be dead.


Suddenly, Mina jumps from behind and kicks the leader. He flies towards the trees and crashed deep into the ground, Mina has stopped suppressing her strength.

Oh right! I have Mina here!

Now that I have accomplished the quest, I can just let Mina take care of him.

"Are you okay?" Mina asks.

"Yeah, do you mind if you take care of the leader? I will support you from behind and get rid of the hindrance."

Mina nods.

Her black hair becomes glowing red as her eyes start to turn red. The atmosphere's heat increases like a volcano about to explode.

I look around to see only Mina, Julius, and myself, the remaining knights had run away shamelessly.

"What the... So there was a hidden trump card huh... Girl, you are not my target, fuck off-" The leader says.

A whirlpool of flame rises around the bandit as an eruption of heat surrounds him. "Y-You."

"I won't let you hurt my junior." Says Mina.

Junior? Who's your junior?

A pillar of volcanic material engulfs the leader as he shouts in agony. Things are going well.

I duck a charging bandit's attack to get behind and stab his nape with my sword.

Julius attempts to fight off the bandits as they push him to the ground. He is panting vigorously as he grasps his chest.


I wanted to save him but seeing that he has gritted his teeth and stood up despite his inexperience, I decided to let him do his thing. He won't die, he is a protagonist.
Julius and Mina will be one of the pillars of humanity in the world, I cannot obstruct their growth as it will affect my family's safety in the long run.

I tilt my head to avoid a thrust attack and slice off my attacker's arm with a follow-up decapitation. I look back to see Mina barraging the leader with attacks.

However, he is still alive... How?

"You brats... I will show you the power of the Tiger Bandits!"

He takes out several broken artifacts from his storage ring and throws them on the ground before taking out a baton. He raises his baton in the sky as the sky darkens.

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