Chapter 30[OLD]

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Past Loi, 25 years old.
Adventurer guild.
I grip my adventurer ID card tightly in joy. I finally managed to rank up the rank E.

Without thinking about it, I quickly jolt to the machine to check for available missions or quests.

Escort a merchant to a nearby village and back to the kingdom of Enchantio.

Rank E adventurer and above.

Reward: 500 golds.

500? That's a good deal!

I quickly accepted the quest without a second thought.

The information of the quest is sent to a device every adventurer owns, it logs down every information of every quest the adventurer accepts.

I go to the place listed to meet my client the next morning, the gate of the Kingdom of Enchantio. The Kingdom of Enchantio is South-West of the capital and the nearest village should be... Regon Village, a flourishing fruit paradise.

I look at the carriages. Inside it are crates of boxes with a protective scroll surrounding them.

"Hey!" One big husky guy. "You know how to ride a horse?"

I nod.

"Take that one."
He points at a brown horse.


That guy is in the core formation realm... This quest should be easy.

After confirming the 15 adventurers following the merchants, the group set off.

"Keep an eye out! Even though we are nothing special, there has been an increase in crimes in these areas." Says the big guy.

"Yes!" Me and the others reply.

The sound of galloping as well as the sound of the wooden wheels rocking against the road. I cannot hear anything at all.


Why do I have a bad feeling about this? We have one core formation here and it's not like there are any expensive valuables in the crates...

I shake my head and snap out of it. Maybe it's just my instincts becoming overly ambitious.

We reach the village without any issue.

A beautiful girl on the outskirts of the village welcomes us and guides us in.

Once in, the tense atmosphere lifts. The joyful singing and dancing rehearsals as decorations are put up in place.

Several other merchants can be seen relaxing in this village, there are several bars and inns for travellers to stay in.

"Everyone! Enjoy yourself, for the time being, come back here tomorrow afternoon and we will set off back to the Kingdom of Enchantio." Says the big guy.

"Heave-Ho," I mumble as I help the merchants unload their carriages. A villager girl walks to me and hands me a towel.

"Oh, thanks."

"Hi, mister!"


I look at the person who handed me the towel, it's a young girl about the same age as my sister, 12 years old.

"I'm Lina! Let's exchange information." Says the girl.


"I will tell you more about the festival happening tonight and you tell me more about the outside world! You are an adventurer so you've gone to many places right?"

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