23. Foolish Puppet

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A resentment deep enough to slay me at the cost of everything. I don't think I've crossed paths with Kelsey before, why such anger?

"May fortune be with both challengers, let the duel begin!"


The moment the bell rings, Kelsey leaps at me like a beast. He expands a dark red aura around his sword and throws an upper slash. I step back. A quick successive thrust flies to my head.

I deflect the blade and throw a kick, giving us some distance.

I've heard of the sword style of the Igniz family, they call it the "Rose" style. A style that allures with its grace and stabs with its thorns. This style heavily incorporates flashy moves and feints to lower the guard of an opponent and strike.

The footwork should be a beautiful dance yet I sense impatience in his moves.

Like a sword performance, Kelsey advances with rhythmic cuts, occasionally interrupting the flow with sneak attacks.

"Hey, we have no grudge but I sense killing intent in every strike, what's up?" I say.

"Shut up! A mere commoner dare to step into this stage!"

He pushes forward with all his might and increases his dance's metronome, sending slashes left and right.


"Do you just hate my status? Or is it something else?" I say. Kelsey springs into the sky, spinning his body vertically like a massive ball of blade.

To everyone's surprise, I duck when Kelsey immediately changes his slash parallel to the ground.


That move left a major opening. I bash his face with the pommel and shoot him across the battlefield. An act of disgrace for my opponent.

"Arck! *cough* *cough* how did you..." Kelsey mumbles. A river of blood leaks from his nose.

Kelsey's movement was regarded as unnecessary and stupid in chivalry swordsmanship. The only use of such overwhelming momentum is an obvious slash from above. However, Kelsey was able to channel all momentum at the last moment by changing his spin into a diagonal one, allowing him to execute a horizontal surprise attack with maximum power.

However, that comes as a huge gamble. Failure will leave the user's neck to the opponent.

In short...

I spared him.

I smile at Kelsey, his glare intensifies as erected veins disgrace his contorted face.

Fuck...the feeling of playing with a weak opponent is exhilarating. I know it's best to end it but...shit.

No no, Loi, snap out of it. I will end this match now.

"What is the noble doing?"
"I don't know. The commoner isn't using aura yet is winning?"
"Maybe...that guy isn't as powerful as we thought?"

Such chatters spread throughout the arena. Kelsey grits his teeth and his expression turns for the worse.

"Y-You...mere commoner...dares!!!"


Something feels off. His aura darkens as black mist surrounds the edge.

I charge at him and our sword clashes.


A powerful force throws me back as Kelsey's strength surges. He digs the blade into his left arm and sprays the flowing blood on his sword, erupting a dangerous pressure. His weapon completely transforms into a blood sword.

"W-What is that?!"
"It hurts to look at it!"

Everyone instinctively perceives the technique as demonic.

I expected someone to step in but none interfered.

He pulls his sword back and sends several tremendous attacks.

I dodged all to find Kelsey's sword at my neck.

When I guard the attack, blood splashes onto my face, hindering my view. Pure brute strength pushes me back and Kelsey follows. The cries of the crowd anticipate my loss, some happy to finally witness my death, while others wish for my safety.

My mother throws her worried gaze at my father and he smiles.
"Don't worry, Loi won't go down with just this," He says.

"DIEEEE!!" Kelsey screams, putting everything into his assault, the raging blood sword expands to the sky.


A wave of blood mist explodes, creating tension in the atmosphere. Who won?

An arm flies out together with a patch of blood that paints the arena.


The gore mist scatters and reveals Kelsey on his knees behind me. Blood gushes out from the amputated right arm and I've cut every joint in his body, crippling his existence.

To add salt to the wound, my eyes were closed.

"H-He did it!!! Loi Krist emerged victorious without using aura no less!!!!" The MC screams.


The crowd's jubilant joviality celebrates poor Kelsey's state.

"NOOOO!!! KELSEY!!" The only one crying is Henry Igniz. I feel aggravating suffocation.

He jumps into the arena with his frightening aura unleashed in a frenzy. His mana clashes haphazardly in his state of berserk. "I WANT YOU DEAD!!! THE COMMONER UNION WILL NOT REVIVE!!!"


I glance up to see three giant red swords materialized, full of thorns and blood pasted to the blade.

Yet, the monstrosity abruptly poofs and Henry's body erupts into neatly cut mush.

Just like that, an expert master swordsman squashed like an ant. Roate stands with his hand out.
"Cadet Loi Krist, how do you feel?" Roate asks.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your consideration."

Roate nods. "Henry has committed multiple treasons by bringing up a taboo subject and learning demonic works and thus was executed by law. Does anyone object to my judgement?"

The silence was affirmation.

Afterwards, the MC announces my win and I return to my lounge, disgusted by the overwhelming pungent blood covering me. Kelsey was healed and arrested for later interrogation.

"Do not misunderstand." Roate's voice rings in my head. It's mind transmission.

"There was no need for any of us to interfere." He says.

Ha...he knows huh...

My mind drifts to Henry's words. Ten years ago, a large group of professional killers disguised as commoners to stage a rebellion. They attacked three noble households, killed men and raped women and so on. The terrorists simply humiliated the nobles with atrocious acts, nothing else. It became a taboo topic to discuss and the ultimate disgrace to noble lineage. Until today, the ringmaster or their true purpose is never known.

Many people still think that it was a cover-up by the government and further deteriorated the bond between nobles and commoners, perhaps the goal of the attackers.


I suspect it might be the work of Outworlders but let's hold my horses.

Speaking of Outworlders, I'm pretty sure I've seen that blood thing Kelsey used somewhere...

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