15. Outworlder Method

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A surge of energy suffocates my throat. The immense mana ignites a burning sun in my body, bursting a spicy sensation throughout my body.


It feels as if something is crawling its way out, attempting to burst my body open.

Despite the searing pain, I direct the energy's path through my body.

People in my world store mana using their organs, particularly the heart, a good conductor of mana(which was also the reason I took the queen deathworm's heart), and we usually absorb mana by simply "forcing mana" into our bodies.

However, Martial Artists transmit mana using their "spiritual roots", a type of hidden vein that allows smooth circulation of mana within the body. The vein connects to three parts, namely the solar plexus, the navel, and the head. Those areas are also the possible locations to establish an energy core called "dantian", a word from the native language of the Outworlders.

Channelling the energy from muscles to muscles, tissue to tissue, and vessels to vessels, I find the consistent path that allows a smooth flow of mana.

Found it! That's my spiritual roots.

Once the circuit closes, all energy bottling up within my body rushes towards the area below my navel, congregating in a swirl.

But it's still not enough...

My arm trembles as it goes for a second vial. With the coordinates in mind, less energy is lost as I quickly direct every bit of mana.

Rinse and repeat for the remaining eight vials.

By now, I should be dead of mana overload if not for the centripetal force congregating the mana below my navel.


The pain subsides as time passes by. The mana, as if integrated by something, attempts to fuse and solidify.

Something warm...and tingling spreads in my body. The nostalgic sensation of being in my mother's embrace as a baby engulfs my existence.


Yes, I remember this feeling when I attempted this in the old days. It is success taking me closely in its arms.

I release control of the mana. It has developed into a sphere of energy field below my navel connected with my spiritual roots and governing my life force.

I open my eyes to see a stretched silhouette and orange hues painted across the dormitory room. It's already morning. Aiden fell asleep leaning against the wall.

You've successfully cultivated and formed your lower energy core.

A new innate talent is found:

-Cultivation Tier 1

You've reached the first stage of the Refinement Realm.

My body gleams brightly against the sunlight. In addition, my senses and control over mana exponentially jumped.

In cultivation, it is vital to from the lower dantian first. It nourishes the middle and top dantians as well as safeguards one's life force. Building the lower dantian increases one's internal energy, the middle dantian links to my physical body, and the upper dantian enhances my soul.

In an attempt to gather mana in my palm, the atmosphere haphazardly dashes towards my hand, forming a ball of mana.

"Huh...!? Uh...ngh...you done?" Aiden jolts half awake and rubs his eyes.

However, the sight beyond surprises him sober. He squeezes his eyes. "What...is that?"

"A ball of mana."

"...What?...Huh?? Why is a swordsman...Huh????" With wide eyes, furrowed brows, and lips slightly parted, Aiden oscillates between awe and bewilderment.

"It's the effect of the method I mentioned."

"Are you planning to be a magic swordsman?"

"A viable option but not for now," I reply. "Anyways, there are more benefits than just mana control."

I draw my sword and expand my aura, blue engulfing the blade brightly.


Aiden's instinct runs rampant. Dangers as an emanation of the aura threaten the very air around it.

"It's...an aura close to a master swordsman," Aiden says. "Are you at the bottleneck of an elite knight?!"

I shake my head. "Do you view me as a monster? It's just my aura."

"Listen to yourself. You are already a monster." Aiden says.

"Don't worry, I will teach you this method as well."

"Sure...but you stink. Clean yourself." Aiden pinches his nose and points at the door.

"...Alright. Thanks for keeping an eye out, I will teach you this method tonight."

Aiden nods.

However, this Outworlder's power comes with a risk. Martial Artists may detect the presence of one another. If by any small chance, Outworlders have already invaded the world and are simply laying low, what should I do?


I will decide when I meet them.


"Hah! Hah!"

Cadets practise their stance and swing their swords in harmony during the morning training procedure.

Despite hours of manipulating mana in my body, I feel surprisingly energetic. My basic senses and coordination improved. My mind is clear and devoid of impurities.

Haha! This is amazing!

After the training, Sir Kaine asks to meet me in his office.

Beyond a large double door, Sir Kaine stays behind a desk between a wall of bookshelf and a painting. Adorned with luminescent crystals' gentle glow and the scent of herbs, Kaine's size is the anomaly of the room.

A long couch and table divide the office.

"Good morning, Sir Kaine."

"Welcome, have a seat."

I descend into the soft couch.

Kaine finishes his paperwork and rubs his face. When he looks at me, he raises his brow and shows me a paper from his desk. It's difficult to read the small words from this distance but I can see everything clearly, even the small smudges of ink.

"There's a different air around you. Did you grow stronger again?" Kaine says.

"I'm not sure."

"...Anyways, I called you here because a female cadet accused you of attempted rape but common sense is an alibi so don't worry about it. Just stay for a short while, I will handle it."

The nobles started acting. That was quick, guess I should move too.


"Sir Kaine, may I ask for a favour?"

He looks at me.

"Who are the leaders among the noble cadets?"

"It's no secret so I can tell you."

He brings me a few basic identity documents and pictures.

Hm...should I push my luck?

"Sir Kaine, I have something to return to a noble so I want to know their curriculum and schedule. Is that alright?" I ask.


Kaine smiles. "Ah...I see what you are trying to do."

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