The Office Sleepover (Pim ☁️)

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You laid back into the yellow bean bag that was in the breakroom, trying to get cozy in the ruffled circle.

It was around your time for your late afternoon nap. You've always slept on this bean bag as you tried to get some sort of sleep.

Insomnia kicked your ass, so you took this free chance to try and sleep.

You closed your eyes as you let out a sigh.

The door opens as Pim pops his head in, looking around as he saw you and smiled, "Hello my lovebug!"

Pim was one of your closest friends. You've slowly developed feelings for the small man as your eyes opened as your heart fluttered when you heard him. 

You looked at him as you stretched, dropping your arms by your sides as you leaned further into the bean bag, "Hey there. How's it going?"

He went over to you as he lays on top of you, "nothing much. Just wanted to see how you're doing. Trying to take your afternoon nap?"

You nodded your head as he looked at you, "You've never told me why you had problems sleeping, lovebug."

You looked at him as you shrugged, "I feel like it's from being lonely haha"

Pim you looked at you as he sat up, "A sleepover!!"

You raised a brow as you looked at him, "What?"

"We should have a sleepover in this office! Oh it'll be so much fun!" Pim spoke with excitement as he stood up and walked towards the door, "I'll let the others know we're sleeping here tonight!"

"Wait, Pim" before you could finish, he left as you heard him yelling out in excitement for everyone to stay behind.

You were left there as you lifted your hoodie and draping it over your eyes, "oh lord."

"I heard we're having a sleepover..." You lifted your hoodie a bit as you saw Alan walking inside as he looked around.

Glep spoke as Alan nodded his head, "you're right. It doesn't look much like a sleepover."

"Pim, why the hell would we sleep in the office if we can just go home?" Charlie spoke as Pim walked inside, closing the door, "it's so (y/n) can sleep good! She does love that bean bag."

You could feel your face heat up in embarrassment as you sat up, "I didn't agree to this sleepover."

"It's too late now, (y/n). We're gonna have a ton of fun! I'll even order pizza." Pim spoke out as Alan looked at him, "Will there be extra cheese on those pizzas?"

Pim nodded his head as Alan pulled the chair with a squeak as he sat down, "Alright, I'll stay for this sleepover."

Glep tapped at his iPad as Charlie looked, "Won't Mr. boss get mad?"

Pim shook his head, "No, he said he doesn't mind as long as we don't look in the broom closet down the hall."

The room went quiet as you raised a brow, "what's in the broom closet?"

Pim shrugged his shoulders as he pulled out his phone, "Who knows."

He dialed a number as he started to talk about the pizzas.

You took in a breath as you stood up, "imma use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

You walked out the room as you looked down the hallway as the lights were all off. Around this time, the office is closed and y'all should've been left.

But now you're stuck here cause Pim wanted a sleepover.

He was too sweet.

You started to walk down the hall as you felt this eerie vibe.

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