You're Perfect (Pim)

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You hated the way you looked.

Nothing about you was attractive; your legs were to (big/small), so were your arms. And then your eyes traveled to your mid waist. You hated how it was shaped.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you let go of your oversized shirt, to tent up the body you called hideous.

You stood there in front of that long mirror, staring at someone you didn't want to claim was you.

You took in a breath as the tears rolled down your face.

"Why god? Why did you make me look like this?" You whispered in a shuddered breath.

Your eyes roamed and examined all of your flaws in a single glimpse. The voice in your head that consistently took over your mental state spoke for you. It called you horrible names and wouldn't just shut up.

You heard a small knock on the door as you turned to face it.


"Sweet pea... Are you okay in there?"

You heard your boyfriend, Pim, speak to you through the heavy door. You began to quickly wipe the tears away. You didn't want him to know what you thought of yourself.

You were all ready worried how or what he thought of you.

"You can come in" you spoke.

The door knob twisted and click, the door slowly opening with a soft creak. Pim looked at you as he smiled, "Hello sweet pea."

You smiled at him as you opened your arms out to him. He walked over to you as he hugged you tight.

"You're looking beautiful as always, sweet pea." He said as he looked up at you.

"Oh Pim, you're just saying that" you laughed lightly.

Pim frowned as he shook his head, "no, I really do mean it. I wouldn't lie to you, (y/n)."

You wanted to believe him. You really, really did. But you just couldn't.

You closed your eyes for a bit, opening then as you smiled at him, "well, thank you muffin."

He leaned up as you leaned down with him, taking in a passionate kiss.

It soon became heated as Pim glided his fingers through your hair. You felt his other hand slide across the outer thigh and slowly slide up your shirt.

You felt panicked as you pulled away from the kiss and him, "Are you hungry? We should go make something to eat."

Pim looked at you, a little hurt from your retreat, "Yes, of course, sweet pea."

He followed you out the room and into the small kitchen.

You opened the fridge as you pulled out some ingredients.

You felt horrible for always pulling away from Pim. You wanted to make love to him, to become one with each other.

But you were scared. What if he took one look at your body and becomes disgusted in you? That he would be so repulsed by you and leaves you for another?

You could feel your nose burn and eyes filling up with sorrowful emotions.

You bit your lip, trying to stop yourself as you cut some vegetables.

Pim was pulling out a pan from a cabinet as he looked at you, "What would you like to eat, sweet pea?"

"Whatever you want, muffin." You wouldn't look at him as you kept your eyes on the cutting board.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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