Rainy Days (Charlie ☁️)

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"it's over between us, (y/n),"

"What... Why? I thought things were going well between us, I-"

"I found someone else... I'm sorry..." Your date left you standing in the cold rain. It drenched your clothes as it washed away your makeup.

You believed they were your everything the moment you met them, but now your world crumbled apart as they left you standing there.

You should've known from their change in emotions; cold, distant and barely attentive to you and your wants and needs. You given them the world while they left you with the scraps.

You watched their back as you started to slowly run to them, "Wait, I can change! Please, don't do this!!"

You grabbed their arm as they swiftly yank it away from you. Your tears were hidden from the rain as you sobbed hard, "Why?! Why are you leaving after all the time and effort I put into our relationship!?"

They looked at you as their face scrunched in annoyance, "Don't you get it? You were never enough to satisfy my needs. I needed someone that's got the looks and you just never did..."

You stared at them in disbelief. You thought you were going to throw up as your heart felt like it was being torn into pieces.

"You can't just toss me to the side... I thought... We were..." You began to falter in your words as your now ex turned their back to you once more as they spoke for the last time, "It's over. Goodbye, (y/n)"

And just like that, they walked off into the downpour, slowly diminishing into the rain. You just stood there as you felt your world crumbled underneath your feet.

Life had no meaning at this point. You whole world revovled around them, now you have nothing.

You sat down on the bench as you dug through your pocket, pulling your phone out as you dialed your childhood best friend.

The phone ringed as his name was in bold letters on your screen.

Then, you heard him speak, "Hello?"



Charlie ran as fast as he could, his hand gripping the umbrella handle tight as he dashed through the rain.

"That piece of shit!" Charlie mumbled under his breath as he went in search for you in the nearby park.

You told him everything, and how your now ex just dumped you for another. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. And the fact that that pile of garbage left you standing in the rain!

Charlie was livid as he wanted to beat the hell out of that useless bastard.

Charlie got to the park as he looked around. He cupped his hand towards his mouth as he yelled out your name. He finally found you sitting at the park bench. Your head down and in your hands, your back shaking and heaving.

Charlie knew you were crying as he walked over to you, holding the umbrella over you as he spoke softly, "Hey, come on. Let's get out of here."

He helped you up as you both walked back to his apartment.

The whole walk there, you sobbed as you constantly used the back of your palms to wipe away the rain and tears from your face Charlie held you close as he looked around, wondering if he could spot the trash bag that hurt you.

You both finally got back to the apartment as Charlie got you inside. He closed the door and locked it behind you both as he closed the umbrella. He sped walk towards the bathroom as you heard the water being run.

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