Seven Minutes In Heaven (Pim)

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It was Halloween as Mr. Boss hosted a large get together office party. Everyone was dressed in costumes, except for Charlie due to his own reasons.

You were dressed up in your own costume as you sipped some of your drink.

The music blared as you jammed out to it. You swayed your body with the song as you spilt some of your drink.

Little did you know. It spilt on someone.

You looked down as you saw Pim wiping his cowboy hat with a napkin.

"Oh, sorry Pim. You okay?"

He looked up at you as he smiled, "I'm okay, Sweet pea. It's just a little spill."

You helped wipe his head off with your own napkin as you smiled, "wanna dance with me, Pim?"

He nods his head as you take his hand on yours as you both danced. There was a bit of a height difference between you both, but it didn't stop your feelings for Pim. You had an unwavering crush on him. You both worked together occasionally at the Smiling Friends Corp. You've enjoyed every second you had with him. 

But you were nervous that Pim didn't like you back. I mean, he was kind to everyone. That doesn't mean he has secret feelings for you or anything like that.

This ongoing crush has lasted over three years now and you just don't wanna ruin anything between you and Pim. You loved the way his affectuous attitude brightens your day.

Pim wrapped his hands around your waist, being the gentleman that he is, he made sure to not touch you anywhere you didn't like. He put his head on your chest as he hummed to the song.

You wonder if he could hear how loud your heart was beating against your chest.

You both heard someone clapping as the music was turned down.

Mr. Boss held his hands up to simmer everyone down. He cleared his throat as he smiled, "listen up, everyone! We're gonna start a game called seven minutes in heaven."

Everyone began to mutter amongst each other as you chuckled, "seriously? Seven minutes in heaven. We're not in highschool anymore."

"I heard that, (y/n). How's about you and Pim go on I first, hmm?" Mr. Boss spoke up as you could feel the blood rush to your face.

"Me... And Pim?" You looked down at Pim as his face was a slight red. Oh god, he's probably super uncomfortable, "Wait, hold on Mr. Bo-"

Mr. Boss grabbed both your and Pims arm as he dragged you both to the closet, "Now, now. Let's get you both in there."

He pushed you both inside as the door was shut and locked. You banged on it as you wanted out. The music blared again as you heard Mr. Boss tell you that you have seven minutes.

You sighed as you given up, sliding against the wall and sat on the floor. Pim looked at you as he rubbed his arm, "Do you... Not want to be in the closet with me?"

You looked at Pim in a bit of shock, "Wha- no! Of course I do, Pim... I just thought..." You took in a breath as you pulled your legs to your chest, "that you didn't want to be in here with me."

Pim looked at you as he took your hand in his, "of course I don't mind being in here with you, sweet pea! I love being around you," you smiled as he smiled back, "you're one of my greatest friends. So of course I wouldn't mind."

Your smile dropped fast as you tried your best to plaster it back on, "yes... Friends."

He scooted closer to you as it was a bit quiet.

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