Chapter Three

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Hex beats me home and is sitting in his car in the driveway when I pull up. He gets out when he sees me turn my car off; he must have been waiting for me. Even though Amos and Ace hadn't been seen in months, Hex hadn't been able to shake the paranoia of something happening to me and it only got worse when it would get dark outside. 

I don't mind, I still have moments of panic and if I can have Hex be there for those moments to calm me then I'll readily accept.

He waits for me by his car as I walk up the driveway before slinging his arm over my shoulders and we continue walking to the front door together in a comfortable silence. I unlock the door and walk in. Mum is sitting on the couch with a plate of food on her lap and Teddy besides her, he had taken an extreme liking to mum and had claimed a spot at the end of her bed. My face twists into confusion, why didn't she wait for us?

"Too hungry to wait for us?" I laugh as I watch her finish a mouthful. Hex closes and locks the door behind us. Mum turns the volume on the TV down to hear us better; she had been watching a reality TV show.

"I thought you two weren't going to be here for dinner?" She asks as she looks towards Hex. I look between the two of them in confusion.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I ask, suspiciously. Hex takes my bag from me and puts it on the floor in the corner of the room before patting my hip softly as he urges me to walk in the direction of our bedroom.

"Go get dressed baby, we're eating out" he says. I give him a somewhat shocked look, this is the first time we had the chance to have a date night. It's sad to think that after almost three years of dating this is our first date. Well, I guess we had no opportunity for a date when Hex was locked up for the majority of our relationship.

"Really? Where?" I ask excited as I start walking backwards towards the bedroom, holding eye contact with Hex.

"It's a surprise" he says, his eyes lighting up as he watches the excitement rise in me. I squeal and then speed walk down the hallway to the bedroom. I hear mum laugh and Hex chuckle behind me before I close the door and can't hear them anymore.

I decide on a little red dress, one I had brought a few weeks ago when mum and I were out shopping. Hex comes into the bedroom as I'm in the bathroom. I put my hair up into a messy but elegant bun on the top of my head.

I can hear him moving about in the closet as he finds something to wear. I'm putting mascara on when he opens the bathroom door. I stop what I'm doing and take him in through the mirror. He's wearing black pants with a black button up. My mouth starts to salivate as I watch him roll up his sleeves, his tattooed arms coming into view. The entire time I had been checking him out, he had been checking me out too. His eyes crawl up my legs to my back before finding my gaze in the mirror, his bottom lip between his teeth the entire time.

"Maybe we should stay home" he grumbles, his voice deep and dark with thoughts of us. I rip my gaze from his and put the mascara wand back in the tube as I feel my cheeks heating up.

I jump slightly when Hex's hand grabs my hip and then spreads out across my stomach, pulling me back into his chest. I feel my breath halt and my half-moon throb in my chest. Hex watches closely as I run a hand over it, hoping to calm the brand and my racing heart.

I pull myself from Hex, knowing that if we spend any longer in close contact that we won't be able to get out the door for dinner.

"No, I'm hungry" I state as I spray perfume onto myself. Hex has still yet to move, his eyes focused solely on me and I know I need to leave the bathroom.

"So am I" the deepness in his voice sends a shiver throughout my body, one that reaches places it shouldn't and I have to restrain myself from crossing my legs. If Hex sees any sign that I'm weak to his advances, then he'll pounce.

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