Chapter FortyOne

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I gasp and pull myself back from their view. There's no doubt that they would see my silhouette if they turned in my direction.

"Hey!" I try and grab the attention of the security guard but he's still busy on his walkie-talkie. My shoes click the ground as I hurry in his direction.

"Hey, you!" I wave my finger at him. He finally looks at me but doesn't drop the walkie-talkie.

"Hold on, I've got a little lady out here" he speaks into it before dropping it to his side. "What's the problem?" He asks. I can tell just by the way he's looking at me that he can't be bothered with whatever I'm about to say to him. He probably just thinks I'm a drunk that's been separated from my friends.

"There's guys fighting!" I exclaim as I point in the direction.

He looks back and forth along the front of the bar, his eyebrows arched but he doesn't move from his position.

It's surprisingly quiet for a fight and I can only assume it's because whoever's being beaten is injured or not fighting back.

"Where?" He steps down off the front step and closer to me.

"Around the corner" I walk backwards in the direction and point.

He raises his walkie-talkie to his mouth. "Got a fight out the front, can someone assist me?" He speaks.

A voice answers but it's muffled and I can't understand it. Soon enough another security guard exits the door and joins him.

A particularly loud grunt is heard and this time both security guards hear it.

"Stay here" they tell me and I watch as they disappear around the corner.

I go back to looking around and trying to figure out what I'm going to do. I'm going to have to either ask for money off of someone or go inside and borrow the bars phone to call Hex and hope he answers. If not, Harley is probably my next best bet.

"Hey!" One of the security guards yell. "Get off him!"

I begin to head back inside but my curiosity gets the better of me.

I hesitantly walk back towards the side of the building, the noises much louder now then they were before as I peer around the corner.

The two security guards seemed to have restrained the men beating the one on the ground. The men still pull and push as they try to get the security guards off them and it causes the security's flashlights that's attached to their belts to swing around wildly, the light shining on the ground and then on the wall the next minute.

Maybe I should head inside and get another security guard, it looks like they need another pair of hands.

The guy on the ground sits up against the wall but doesn't stand. His head hangs and his hands reach out around him trying to gain some composure.

"I'll fucking kill him!" I flinch as one of the men scream, the small, contained area making it echo much louder.

"Fuck you!" Another screams.

The flashlight flicks over one of the men's face and the air is knocked out of me.

It's Amos fucking Pollar.

My knees buckle under me and I bend at the knee as I grip the brick wall tightly, so tightly crumbles of it fall into my palm.

It's only then I identify the hung head and injured man on the ground.

The scream escapes my throat before I even completely process what's happening.

He looks up and my knees completely buckle as I kneel on the ground, my knees becoming scuffed but I can't feel the pain.

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