Chapter EightyEight

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We're in a different courtroom this time but once inside it looks exactly the same and it tricks my brain for a moment.

I feel disorientated.

"You okay, honey?" Mum whispers from behind me. She hadn't let go of my arm since we walked up the steps of the courthouse and I can feel her concern clouding over me.

Dad had held us up and now the courtroom had been filled with important people, leaving only a few seats for us, thankfully there are two spare besides Harley.

"I'll sit in the back" I hear Brian murmur to mum behind me as I take in the room.

"Thanks, love" she replies quietly.

I focus on putting one foot in front of the other as I shuffle along the row to Harley. We're in the first row in the front and I ignore the urge to go sit with Brian in the back as I feel the panic creeping up my throat.

Everyone's looking at me.

I see Harley's lips move as she says something but I don't hear it, I can only hear my heart beating in my ears. I nod, confusing her so I guess whatever she had asked wasn't a yes or no question.

I don't ask her to repeat it though and I face the front.

I take a deep breath and fold my hands, resting them on my churning stomach.

The judge from Hex's hearing enters through a side door and everyone stands, except for me. I know I won't be able to balance if I stand but he doesn't call me out on it and I'm grateful.

The noise around me turns into a low buzz and I have to close my eyes and focus on not passing out to get through it.

Everything comes rushing back when I hear the side door click open and two guards from Hellbound walk in ahead of Hex.

My heart pounds and I have to reach up and grab my brand. It burns, it stings and it makes my face scrunch up in pain.

I hiss between my teeth and bend into myself as it spreads through my chest. I knew this would happen, I just didn't think it would be so painful.

"You're okay, honey" mum rubs my back and reassures me as the burning starts to simmer down and I sit back.

She places her cold palm across my hot forehead and it feels good enough that I close my eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't be here, Poppy" Harley whispers into my right ear but I barely let her finish before I'm shaking my head, no.

I can feel Hex's eyes all over me and I can track where he is without even looking at him. Our bond is weak now after months of no contact but it's still there and I can feel the anguish inside him as he watches me in pain.

I have no doubt he can feel it too and I have no idea why it's effecting me more than him.

He's in that orange jumpsuit. His hair is overgrown and his beard is full and bushy. His eyes are hard and he hides the surprise and shock well.

His eyes stay locked on me, even when Rob tries to shove him into his seat. He doesn't move until Rob and John both force him down and then I see the writing on the back of his jumpsuit.

Hellbound Penitentiary.

Hold on, Rob and John?

My breathing picks up in panic when I finally take in the room. I know these people; I worked with these people.

I freeze when my eyes connect with Reg in the corner and I look away quickly.

The only thing stopping me from freaking out further is mums hand anchoring me in place.

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