Chapter TwentyFive

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Charlie seemed unwilling and annoyed that Hex had called him and asked him to come to our apartment. I could hear his muffled voice through the phone as he explained that he had finished work for the day and had no intention of doing overtime. It wasn't until Hex snapped and told him quote 'get the fuck over here now' and hung up that I think he got the message.

It resulted in a small argument between Hex and I because he couldn't understand what the problem was and why he shouldn't talk to his parole officer so disrespectfully. I was also concerned that Charlie wouldn't show up out of spite but a short twenty minutes later he was on our front door step.

"What was so important that you called me outside of working hours, Mr. Rose?" Charlie questions, his expression sour. I hope he didn't have to cancel plans but selfishly I can't bring myself to feel guilty about it.

Charlie walks inside as I close the door behind him, he's dressed in his usual suit and formal shoes as his glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. Hex walks in front of him, leading him to the lounge room as he takes a seat on the couch.

"Call me Hex Charlie or fuck off" Hex mumbles, his eyebrows pulled into a deep frown. I know he's not actually annoyed at Charlie and Charlie knows that too. It's the events of today that has stressed him out and anything else that inconvenience him cops it too, and that includes Charlie.

"What do you want Mr. Rose?" Charlie asks again, this time putting emphasis on using Hex's last name just to prove his point. My eyes switch back and forth between the two men as I wait for Hex to respond but he just hangs his head and shakes it.

"Why the fuck is Alex Pollar in a hospice?" Hex asks, his voice demanding. "Surely I should've been informed?" He stands and starts pacing again as he gets straight to the point, not wasting anymore time.

Charlie remains calm, his face impassive and I wonder briefly if he knew and didn't tell Hex.

"Well there's only one reason someone gets moved to a hospice Mr. Rose" he says it so blantantly and I watch as Hex's jaw ticks in irritation.

"No shit Charlie, that wasn't what I asked. Why wasn't I told" he demands and faces Charlie with his hands on his waist.

Charlie shrugs "the court decided you didn't need to know". Surely that's not right? Alex being in hospice could anger Ace and Amos to the point of coming after Hex and he's not meant to have any kind of warning?

Hex seems flabbergasted as his mouth drops in bewilderment.

"They decided I shouldn't know? The one who is the reason he's in that fucking hospice shouldn't know? " I can almost see the smoke coming from Hex's ears as he starts pacing again and I can tell that the thought of Amos and Ace coming after us has enetered his mind.

"I'm just doing my job Mr. Rose" Charlie says. I take note that he had brought all his usual equipment he needs when he tests Hex.

"Mr. Rose" Hex mocks him and rolls his eyes.

Charlie doesn't say anything or make a noise as he stands and grabs his things and heads in the direction of our front door.

I scramble after him.

"No Charlie, don't leave" I stand and chase after him as Hex remains unphased. "We need your help, please".

"I came here to give advice, not to be mocked Ms. Hart" he continues to the door.

"Hex apologise" I demand as Charlie reaches the door. I see him freeze out the corner of my eye, his hand on the door handle as he awaits to hear Hex apologise.

Hex takes a seat on the couch with his head in his hands as he sighs in frustration.

"It's been a shit day" is all he says, the apology hidden within his words.

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