Chapter FiftyOne

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I had been afraid that the day would drag on as Kevin mourns the day away but it had surprisingly gone fast and before I knew it, Rex is escorting a drunk Kevin from his seat to an awaiting taxi outside of Darby's.

He mumbles words indistinguishable and Rex nods along with him even though he can't understand him either.

"Thank fuck today's over, I'm going home" Harley exclaims as she whips the tea towel onto the bar top. I flinch at the noise.

"I'll lock up" I say as I finish wiping down the bar and put away the remaining miscellaneous items.

"You sure?" Harley asks but her bag is already hiked high on her shoulder.

"Yeah, go home. I'll see you tomorrow" I wave her goodbye as she pushes the door open with her back and walks into the dark, Rex escorting her.

I see movement from my peripheral and my head turns so quickly I wince at the twinge of pain as I set my eyes on Stevie. He's locking up his office door hurriedly.

I almost call out to him, remembering that I wanted to ask him to ban Amos and Ace permanently from Darby's but reality hits me and I close my mouth again. I guess there's no reason to ban a dead man.

And then he's gone. Disappearing in the direction of the back door without a goodbye as I hear it open and close loudly.

"Poppy" I jump. Rex is standing at the front door, back from making sure Harley gets safely to her car. His face is blank of emotion. Everything has me on edge today and for good reason. "Ready to go?"

"Oh y-yeah" I quickly finish up what I'm doing and grab my bag as I turn off the lights.

I lock up behind me and Rex walks me to my car before we say goodbye and he gets in his own car.

The clock in my car flashes when I turn the ignition on and it reads 6pm. My breath halts for a second, not realising that I had worked late and that Hex is probably waiting at home for me.

I race home, faster than I probably should have, especially given the day that has happened.

But when I pull into the drive way Hex's car is nowhere to be seen. He's usually home by now.

"Hex?" I call into the dark apartment as I open the door. His shoes aren't by the door and I see no other signs that he has been home.

Teddy meows at my feet "have you been fed?" I ask him, wondering if Hex had come home and fed him and then left again but by the insistent meowing, Teddy hasn't had his dinner yet.

I lock the door behind me and flick on all the lights.

I take a seat on the couch and deflate. I had dreaded talking with Hex this morning and then I was worried about being late home and now I'm disappointed he's not here.

Is he even coming home tonight?

My negative thoughts don't get to run much further as the front door unlocks and Hex walks through. He has obliviously come straight from work because he's dirty and he has oil on his face but he displays the same visible panic that I had displayed earlier when I was late coming home.

"Sorry baby, Clyde needed an extra hand" he apologises and closes the door behind him, kicking off his boots.

"It's fine" I say as I stand from the couch and nervously wring my hands together. I don't know what it is but there's a tension in the air and I don't like it. I hate it.

Like that awkward phase when you argue with someone and brush over apologising but there's still that lingering tension afterwards.

Hex surprises me by walking over to me and placing a kiss to my lips. I don't have time to respond before he pulls away and walks into the kitchen. His bag clanking loudly on the floor as he drops it in the corner.

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