Chapter ThirtyFive

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"Oh my god!" I hear a nurse gasp from somewhere around us as I bend at the knees and pick up Harley's head off the floor.

"Fucking hell" Hex mutters as he walks over.

I look up once he picks Harley up, his hands under her back and knees. I wince as he lifts her with his injured palm but he doesn't react. Alex's nurse was the one to gasp and she makes her way over to us, leaving Alex in his wheelchair a few meters from us.

"I'll get a doctor!" She scurries off before we can tell her not to.

"C'mon baby" Hex turns and starts walking in the direction of the entry doors with Harley in his arms. I feel the mutual agreement pass between us as we leave quickly, before Harley wakes up. She'll scream the whole building down if she wakes while Alex is still in sight.

Speaking of Alex, his face hadn't made any type of expression to show that he knows who Harley or Hex are, let alone knowing that he was the cause of Harley passing out.

We have to pass by him to get to the doors, it's the closest Hex had been to him since the night that changed both of their life course's.

Hex's jaw is locked tight and his steps are fierce as he strides by at a fast pace. I follow behind, my hand coming to rest on Hex's back as a sign of comfort but also so that he knows I'm following.

Stepping foot outside the entry doors allows for the cool air to brush over my hot skin and it sends a wave of relief over me. I see Hex's shoulder's lower too but he doesn't slow his steps and only walks faster in the direction of the car as Harley starts to move in his arms.

"Stop moving" Hex grunts.

"What the fuck? Let me down!" Harley exclaims loudly before she starts kicking her legs out. Hex has no choice but to stand her on her own two feet.

Harley's car is less then ten feet from us but she's got her back to it and her gaze is set firmly on the entry doors of the hospice.

She starts off in a strong stride, heading in the direction of the doors before Hex holds his arm out and nearly clothes-lines her to a stop.

"Get in the car" he demands. At some point Hex had taken Harley's car keys from her and the car beeps as he unlocks it. I watch from a few meters away as the siblings interact.

"No!" Harley pushes against Hex's forearm but it does little to move him. "I'm not leaving mum in there while that- that- monster is in there!" She almost shouts, her eyes filling with tears.

"Get in the fucking car, Harley" Hex fumes, his voice stronger but quieter then Harley's. "He's not doing shit, motherfucker can't even feed himself". The words click with Harley as she continues to huff and puff but stops trying to re-enter the building.

Hex gives a final, gentle shove to Harley and she turns to her car, getting into the backseat of her own vehicle.

Hex takes the drivers seat and I sit next to him in the passenger. We all stay silent on the drive back to our apartment.

"Did you know Alex lives there?" Harley asks as we enter our apartment. Her phone had been ringing off and on the entire drive home and by the look on her face each time she acknowledges it, I know it's Banks.

"Don't speak his name in my fucking house, Harley" Hex snaps at her. All the emotions that he had pushed aside for Harley when she fainted are coming back; I can feel them as they build in his body.

"Did you?" She pushes for an answer but Hex just walks past her with no response and into the kitchen, away from our view.

She turns to me instead. "Did you know?" I freeze for a moment, stuttering but saying nothing. Unsure if I should shake my head yes or no.

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