Chapter EightySix

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The only reason I know its July is because of Hex's sentencing looming over us. It feels like a dark cloud but the selfish part of me can't wait to come out on the other side, even if its without Hex.

Speaking of Hex, I haven't spoken to him since the night he got arrested and the only time I have set eyes on him was during his hearing. I know he wants to talk to me and the only reason I know that is because of Harley. Bless her, she's been the messenger between us, well, from Hex to me.

I know he's going away for a long time and only recently have the stabbing sensations started to lessen. I can't risk going back to that.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Harley whispers as she stands beside me behind the bar.

I shrug, like its no big deal even though the outcome of tomorrow will change the trajectory of my life.

"I feel okay" I don't look at her because she'll see through the façade; and the nerves, anxiety and worry that hide beneath will come to the surface. If I pretend to be calm, maybe it'll work.

Harley grabs my forearm and gives it a comforting squeeze. She knows I'm not telling her the truth and I'm thankful she doesn't call me out on it.

"Harley, can I have some help over here?" I hear Sarah call from the back room.

Harley gives me another squeeze and then disappears, leaving me the only person behind the bar. I don't mind, it gives me a chance to breathe away from Harley's smothering.

Sarah had sprained her ankle last week and had been hobbling around on a boot for the last few days once she realised it wasn't getting better.

In my opinion she's been acting like a helpless princess, unable to do basic tasks for herself, but I'm no doctor and maybe I'm just being cynical. If only a sprained ankle was my biggest problem.

I had to pick up more shifts at Darby's and even though I'm exhausted, its doing a good job at distracting me, the only negative is that its bringing the sentencing date closer, faster.

Stevie had abruptly left Darby's around a month ago and moved up north with his Platonic. Apparently she'd had enough of him spending so much time here and I can't help but feel like she can't completely trust him after the affair with Harley.

God, that feels like years ago.

We had been left without any management, the fear of possibly losing my job and not having Hex's secondary income to fall back on nearly sent me spiralling. That was until the government assigned Harley to take Stevie's position. She had taken it in her stride and fallen right into the position. It seemed like a good fit and because of her we've made more income within the last month than any other month since I've worked at Darby's.

I feel like everyones life is falling into place, while mine is falling apart.

"Mornin' darlin'" I nearly jump out of my skin when Kevin appears before me.

"Oh! You scared me, Kevin" I place a hand to my heart and give him a small smile.

He's sober.

Kevin had found out the truth about Ace and his actions in befriending Kevin shortly after he had died. I don't know who told him or maybe he came to the conclusion himself but he had spiralled for a little while before putting himself in rehab after getting arrested for public intoxication in May. He's been sober ever since.

"Bit jumpy today, nerves getting to ya?" He means well but I can't escape the questions and the curiosity of everyone in this stupid town. Hex's case was all over the news when it first happened and after his hearing it had calmed down but now that his sentencing is tomorrow its everywhere again.

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