Chapter Ten

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I feel sick, so sick that I don't know if I can get back to the car without kneeling over and throwing up my breakfast. He was gone, they were gone. That day in court was the last day I was meant to ever see them, they were meant to leave us alone.

"Poppy" mum grabs my forearm and diverts my attention back to her forcefully. "Are you feeling okay?" She looks concerned as she turns to face me head on. I know my face has turned a concerning shade of white and she can feel the tremors that vibrate through my body.

She gives me a slight shake and I can breathe again as I gasp in air. My eyes come back into focus and I try my best to suppress the shakes.

"U-uh yeah, yeah I'm okay. Lets go" I say quietly as I start on my walk to the car, hoping to get there before my legs give out. I don't look back to see if mum is following but I feel her presence following me.

I go straight to the passenger seat after passing the keys to mum. She gives my side profile a confused look because I had driven here but I don't think it's safe if I drive us home. She doesn't question my actions and the ride home is mainly silent. I know she knows something is wrong but I don't want to say anything without talking to Hex first. Do I even need to tell mum? Maybe this was just a coincidence and Ace had stumbled upon us. Maybe this will actually be the last time I see him. Right?

I check my phone and find two missed calls from Hex. I gulp, he definitely felt my emotions, they were too extreme for him to ignore.

Mum pulls into the driveway and gets out, keys in her hands as she waits for me to get out of the car so that she can lock it. I stand on unsteady legs but they hold up and I hope my shaking knees aren't noticeable.

Before she can lock the car I stop her.

"Hey mum" she looks at me as she points the keys at the car "I'm going to go see Hex at work" I announce. She nods her head and then heads to the front door to unlock it before handing the car keys back to me.

"Drive safe, honey" she wishes as she watches me make my way to the drivers door. I give one last look around the street before looking at mum again as she leans out the open front door.

"Make sure you lock the door, mum" I say and get in the car, closing the door behind me before she can question why but instead I hear her hushed voice through the door answer 'I always do'. She closes the door before I'm fully out of view.

The drive to the mechanic shop is anxiety filled. The familiar feeling creeping back into my bones as I look in the mirrors constantly, waiting for that familiar dark coloured car to make an appearance.

I don't see it; it does nothing to ease my nerves though.

I park out the front and scurry my way to the shop, my arms wrapped tight around my waist. Clyde is out the front, half under the front of a car, his face not able to be seen.

I drag my feet on the concrete so that he hears me walking towards him and I don't scare him. He pulls himself out from under the car, his face and hands dirty and stained.

"Hex's missus!" He exclaims as he stands up and holds out a hand to shake. I go to shake his hand but stop when the oil is still wet on his skin. "Oh shit" Clyde says making me chuckle.

"Hi Clyde" I greet and try to come across somewhat normal but I just want to get to Hex "I'm looking for Hex" I say politely and hope that he doesn't try to continue with more conversation even though he's very welcoming.

"Thought you were. He's out the back, go through the shop and to the right. Be careful, he's having a bad day" Clyde warns me. I thank him and turn my back. When he can't see my face I release a shaky breath, out of all the days for Hex to have a bad day, it had to be today.

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