Chapter SixtyFive

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"Hex!" I have no doubt he can hear me from inside the car and its confirmed when he quickly glances back but not long enough to see me shaking my head as his focus turns to Ace once again.

Ace hasn't moved from his position that he held the entire time. The cocky smirk lies across his lips once again as he watches Hex walk towards him, he takes pride in the fact that he had pissed Hex off.

Rex hadn't left, even after I had lied and told him everything was fine and I couldn't be more thankful. He's the only reason I haven't completely lost my composure as he watches Hex and Ace interact.

My heart pounds faster and faster with each step Hex takes towards Ace.

I try again at the door but it still doesn't open. The keys dangle from Hex's pocket as he walks and I want nothing more than for him to accidently knock the unlock button.

I try my best at getting my finger nail under the lock on the passenger door but my nails are too short from my stupid nervous picking habit.

I can do nothing but watch the scene in front of me unfold and pray that Hex keeps his hands to himself otherwise there's nothing Ace or Rex can do if he kicks off.

Hex comes to a stop a fair distance from Ace and his hands land on his hips, blocking half my view of Ace.

Hex must be talking because Ace is the one listening and then his mouth starts to move, the smirk remaining on his face.

Hex's back moves with each breath, the light from Darby's reaches only his right side and illuminates the frown on his face every time he turns slightly.

Whatever Ace is saying is working Hex up, I can feel it. The anger he's holding is being fed through to me, the hatred and the distress follow too. Hex seems to be handling the feelings well, but I'm not as tears well in my eyes and panic takes over my chest.

I stop breathing when Ace takes a step towards Hex, his fists balling at his sides and I'm convinced that he's going to try to land a punch on Hex. Hex matches him with his own step forward and now there's barely two meters between them.

I move to sit on the edge of my seat, my hands grasp the dashboard as I pull myself as close as I possibly can to Hex. My movement catches Ace's attention over Hex's shoulder as he looks at me. His smirk had dulled but it still remains clear as day on his face.

I can't make out what he is saying as he nods his head in my direction and begins talking again but I know its about me and that makes me nervous.

I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and bite the skin. If its one thing that's going to push Hex over the edge, its talking about me disrespectfully and I know full well that Ace Pollar knows that.

I wonder if Hex can feel me through our bond or is his anger too strong? Will my internal panic convince him to keep the conversation civil?

My eyes flick over to Rex and I'm pleased when he's still watching but he had crept closer.

My eyes come back to Hex at his sudden movement and I hold my breath.

Ace holds his ground even when he has to slightly lift his chin to meet Hex's gaze. I don't know how he's not intimidated; he must be truly insane to still have that smirk on his face.

Their chests bump together and their noses just about touch.

Something Hex says – no doubt between clenched teeth – gets Ace to drop the smirk and his face turns impossibly dark, his eyes becoming murderous and he bumps his own chest into Hex's as they intrude on each others space.

I can't breathe.

Don't Hex, don't.

The voice in my head whispers, hoping he doesn't raise his fist when I see it clench by his side.

"Hey!" Rex shouts. It makes me jump; I hadn't expected it and I had never heard Rex shout before. Although he is intimidating and moody, he never raises his voice.

Hex and Ace seem to not even notice as they continue spitting insults into each others face. Rex jogs over and I want to bang on the windows and shout at him to move faster.

He finally reaches them before either can raise a hand and I release the breath I had been holding.

Rex pushes them apart with a hand on each of their chests. Ace stumbles a step back but Hex willingly takes a step back, keeping his eyes locked firmly on Ace.

I try the button on the door and attempt to wind the window down but it still doesn't work.

Rex turns his back to Hex and says something to Ace, forcing him to take more steps back. Hex continues to stand with his feet firmly planted on the ground and Rex points his hand to the left, wanting Ace to head in the direction of the main road and out of Darby's carpark.

Ace's internal anger suddenly rises and becomes external as he loses his cool. His anger is very much still targeted at Hex as he looks through Rex.

He starts yelling, I can't make out what he's saying but I can hear his voice now as the low murmuring travels through the windows.

Hex's back is tense and remains on edge.

Come here, Hex.

Although Darling's have abilities that Platonic's don't - such as feeling each others emotions - we cannot read each others minds no matter how much I wish my thoughts could transfer to Hex.

Why is he not coming back to the car? Ace is being pushed away from Hex by Rex and the conversation is clearly over. Does he not want to turn his back on him?

Ace finally begins to retreat, limping backwards, towards the main road as he continues shouting.

The lump in my throat begins to get smaller and smaller as Hex turns and starts towards my car. He keeps his head down, watching the ground as he walks. I keep an eye on Ace, making sure he doesn't run around Rex and come after Hex while his back is turned.

But he doesn't. Rex won't let him and he also can't run with his injured leg.

Hex is still worked up; I can feel it and I can see it more and more with every step he takes closer.

Ace is still shouting but he's so far gone that he's almost out of sight and I can't hear his yelling anymore. Rex watches him for a few more moments before looking at Hex and walking back over to the door of Darby's, where he'll remain until the last car leaves the carpark and then he'll finally go home for the night just to repeat it all again tomorrow night.

I gasp when the car is unlocked and the drivers door is opened.

Hex rips the door open and sits behind the wheel before slamming it closed behind him and making the car shake with the force.

He's angry. I can't help but wonder what Ace had said to him. I especially want to know what he had said about me to make Hex snap.

I re-lock the doors and the click echos between us.

"Hex, I-" he cuts me off with a hand to my thigh.

"Not right now Poppy, please baby" he pleads with me, his voice sounding tired but the underlines of anger make a shiver run down my spine.

"Okay" I whisper and place my hand over his.

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