Chapter ThirtyFour

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For the next few days nothing exciting happens. I steer clear of Stevie and he doesn't open his mouth to either Harley or me.

Hex had gone back to work the follow day after the incident with his hand. Thankfully it had been his non-dominant hand and therefore he had been able to move around as he normally would. As for work, he still manages to get a lot done at a slightly slower pace. Clyde didn't mind, if anything it gave him a reason to annoy Hex, stating that his 'grown man hands wouldn't have cut on such a tiny piece of metal'.

I had just arrived home from work, quickly taking a shower and meander around as I wait for Hex to walk through the door before I leave again with Harley to go see Wyonna.

I can't be too late though because we're having dinner at mums apartment tonight. It'll be the first time we've been back there since we had moved her in. I hoped she had managed to unpack everything okay, I hadn't even thought about the possible struggle she could have faced. The guilt hits me like a slap in the face.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway pulls me out of my thoughts as I strut over to the front window.

Sure enough, Hex's car is parked and he's getting out the drivers door. He sets his eyes on me through the window as I wave and his lips stretch into a smile.

"Hi" I greet him at the door, holding it open for him.

"Hi baby" he pressed his lips to my forehead as he passes me. His hands hold his bag and phone separately even though he shouldn't be using his injured hand at all.

I close the door behind him and then follow him into the kitchen, where he dumps his bag in the corner.

His eyes scan me as he grabs a glass and fills it with water.

"Was hoping you'd be naked when I got home" he says cheekily with a cocky smirk on his face. "Where're you going?" He asks when he notices I'm not in my usual comfort clothes that I change into when I get home from work. Instead I'm wearing jeans and a knit sweater.

I look over at the clock on the wall, checking the time. "Harley's picking me up soon, we're going to see your mum" I explain.

Hex surprisingly doesn't flinch at the mention of his mother like he usually would. Instead, he holds eye contact with me and finishes his glass of water before responding.

"It was nice to have her at the wedding" he states and leans against the counter "I thought... I didn't know how I was going to handle seeing her. You know... in the wheelchair and with a nurse. But all I could feel was happiness that everybody was there, it was like, even though she wasn't... mentally there I felt like she was proud of me for once in my life". I swallow the lump in my throat that had grown bigger and bigger the longer he talked.

"Of course she's proud of you, Hex" I reassure him quietly as I walk up to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his chest as I gaze up at him. He continues leaning on the counter with his hands anchored behind him.

He shakes his head causing his hair to fall over his forehead. "No, the only thing I've ever done to make her proud was graduate high school" he presses his lips to my head. I'm stuck on what to say as I just continue holding him.

I should be getting ready to leave, Harley should be here soon but I can't bring myself to let go of Hex.

"Do you think I could tag along with you and Harley?" Hex whispers with his lips still pressed to the top of my head. I look up instantly, knocking his lips from where the rest.

"You want to come?" He nods "yes, yes you can come with us!" I say cheerfully and bounce on my toes.

I pull back and look at him. "Oh, they'll be so happy Hex!" A stiff smile of what appears to be regret shows on his face. Maybe he's coming around to the idea of seeing Wyonna after all. "But you need to shower first" I pull his hand and pull him off the counter before pushing him in the direction of the bathroom. He kicks off his boots before walking down the hallway.

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