Chapter ThirtyNine

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Hex had slumped into the chair across from me as we sit at one of the tables that line the bar.

He had been quiet the entire time as he watched people dance past and glaring at them when they got too close.

He had been throwing back the drinks and I had done my best to keep up. I don't know what we're drinking but mine is pink in colour and fruity. Hex had been in charge of the drinks, grabbing me one every time he went up to the bar to get himself one.

The challenging look in his eyes every time he places a drink in front of me is what's keeping me drinking even though a dizzy feeling is setting in.

Hex appears fine but I don't know how much longer that will last with how quickly he's drinking.

I look up at the ceiling as the lights dim and the music gets louder. I have no idea what time it is or how long we have been here and I have a feeling the drinks have something to do with it.

"Woop! Woop!" Someone hollers and I watch as more people stand from seats and join their friends on the dance floor.

My feet start to tap the floor and I move slightly side to side with the beat as I feel it enter through my shoes and run up my back.

Hex is looking at me when I turn to him again. His head is slightly tilted and he's observing me closely.

"I want to dance" I shout over the table. I don't know if he hears me but his eyes move to my lips and he clearly reads them. He squints his eyes a little, like he's suspicious of what I'm up to.

He doesn't answer me.

I drop my eyes to his empty glass and he raises a cocky eyebrow to my drink that still had a little left in the bottom. He's waiting for me to finish it so that he can get us another drink.

The thought of drinking more makes me nervous. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with him. I'm sure I'm already somewhat drunk and by the glazed look to Hex's eyes he is too, but he's hiding it much better than I am.

I give another look at the dance floor and then raise a cocky eyebrow to Hex, matching his energy. His face drops all emotion as he watches, waiting for me to do something.

I lift the remaining liquid to my mouth and swallow it quickly. I slam the glass down, probably too roughly on the table and stand abruptly.

Immediately as I stand I feel the alcohol hit me as my eyes blur for a moment. It only lasts a second before I focus intently on the dance floor and set off, walking quickly so that Hex can't catch me.

"Poppy!" Hex shouts behind me and I quicken my pace. He was so loud that not only I heard him over the music, but people around us turn to look at him too.

I push past people as they get transfixed in their own worlds and don't even notice me. People bump into me as they dance and I feel lost in which direction I came from and which direction to go.

Usually I'd become claustrophobic and awkward as I dance in public but I had failed to register the effect the alcohol would have on me.

I watch the people around me and follow their lead. I swing my hips and raise my arms above my head and close my eyes as my head rolls back. I know that I probably look like an idiot and no where near as sexy as these other girls make it look but I can't find it in myself to care.

I enjoy myself and everyone leaves me alone as I dance.

Hands grab my hips and the alcohol stops me from reacting, I know who it is.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Hex says into my ear, his mouth flush against my skin. I continue swinging my hips and throw my head back into his shoulder. He pulls my hips back into his groin.

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