Chapter TwentySix

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"I can't believe we forgot" I exclaim as I continue to face away from the kitchen entrance and the footsteps that are making their way to me.

"Forgot what?" I jump and turn, not expecting mums voice. I had heard the front door open a few seconds earlier but I assumed it was Charlie leaving and that the footsteps I heard coming towards the kitchen was Hex.

"Oh mum, you scared me" I say with a chuckle as my hand finds my heart and I turn back to the cupboard. "I thought you were Hex".

"Sorry honey" she apologises and drops her bag down on the island. "I'm surprised you didn't hear my feet dragging, I'm exhausted" she makes her way to me and places a greeting kiss on my cheek.

"The work force not treating you well mum?" I joke with her as I reach forward and move things around on the shelf in the cupboard, hoping to find something in the back for dinner but failing.

"No, I'm loving it. I'm just not young like I used to be" she sighs. She slaps down a number of envelope's on the island, gaining my attention. "The mail box was full". I had completely forgotten to check the mail on my way inside, I had been in too much of a state to remember.

"Oh thanks, I forgot" I say as I forget about dinner and grab the top envolope.

"How was today? Does Wyonna like her new room?" Mum asks as I slice open the first envelope with a knife, nearly nicking my thumb as the knife misses it by millimetres. "Careful Poppy" mum warns me.

"It was okay" I shrug. It's just a bill inside so I throw it on the island and pick up the next envelope.

I debate whether I should tell mum about how I wasn't there to see Wyonna settle into her new room.

"I haven't heard from Harley so I guess she likes it" I explain. The second envelope is a sales card for a local business. I throw it back on the table and grab the third and final envelope.

"You don't know?" Mum questions in the background as I accidentally paper cut my pinkie finger. I raise my finger to my mouth to stop the sting. Mum clicks her tongue at me and shakes her head.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling too good so Harley dropped me home" I lie, avoiding eye contact because she'd know the truth with one glance.

I pull the paper that appears to be a invitation from the envelope. My eyes skim over the rectangle shaped card. It's an ugly shade of yellow, making it look stained and old.

"You weren't feeling well?" Mum asks but it seems like a mumble of words mixed together as her voice enters my ears. "Do you feel okay now?".

I feel the vomit rise in my throat once I see the names.

Smith Hart & Jasmine Day would like to invite you to their wedding.

The rest of the invitation mixes together as I zone in on the names of the groom and bride-to-be.

I lower the invitation slightly and it allows mum to see some of my face, along with my bleached cheeks.

"What's wrong, honey?" Her tone turning serious as she stands immediately from her seat and rounds the island towards me.

I briefly hear Hex in the next room over mumble something about 'waiting a second' as he comes to the kitchen entrance and leans against the doorway. I have no doubt he felt the sudden sinking feeling through our bond.

I turn away from mum as her movement breaks my spell. I clear my throat hoping it stops the lump from forming and suppresses my food from rising.

"N-no, uh, it was nothing" I stutter and rip the invitation into two before stuffing it in the bin hurriedly.

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