Chapter FortySix

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It's silent for a few seconds as cutlery connects with plates. Hex's hand finds my thigh under the table and gives it a squeeze. It's almost like he can't feel the building awkwardness in the room as he continues to eat without a care in the world.

Brian pulls his collar from his neck in an uncomfortable gesture and I watch as mum fiddles with her food, waiting for someone to break the silence that is slowly turning unbearable.

"So" she finally gains everyone's attention as she clears her throat "how was work today, Poppy?"

For the briefest of moments I had forgotten about the nightmare that was today but now as mum mentions it everything rushes back and I resist the urge to slump in my seat and hope nobody notices the drop in my expression and mood.

"Uh, yeah it was good" I choke out thickly and shove more food in my mouth before she can ask anything further. Mum gives me a look of disbelief that I hadn't attempted to make conversation when it was obvious that she desperately needed me to. I can't even find it in myself to feel sorry.

I ignore the strange look Hex gives my profile, his eyes running from my temple to my neck and up again.

"Right" mum takes a drink, probably to clear a dry throat "how is Harley?" I silently groan as she attempts again.

"She's good" she's not good, she was angry but I can't say that.

Hex hadn't dropped the look on his face, in fact it only deepened at my bluntness. A squeeze to the thigh forces me to look at him. I do my best at giving a reassuring smile but he doesn't buy it, instead his jaw clenches.

"What about you Hex? How was work today?" Mum directs the conversation to Hex and I breathe a sigh of relief, only for a short second though.

"I called in sick" Hex had always been short at conversation and half the time I don't think he even realises how it can come across. Thank god mum knows this but from the look on Brian's face, she had forgotten to inform him.

I watch from under my eyebrows as Brian once again does the neck thing and gulp as he eyes Hex's bruised skin. I have a feeling Hex had completely forgotten about the condition of his face.

"Why was that?" I beg silently in my head for mum to switch the conversation.

"Felt like shit" I have to hold back a chuckle at the look on Brian's face. It seems the sound of a swear had shocked him.

"Oh" mum breathes out.

I'm surprised when Brian jumps into the conversation.

"Well, I had a great day" he turns to mum, his smile growing with each word and his voice much more enthusiastic then Hex and I's "you wouldn't believe what I sold today". His voice gets higher as he shows his excitement.

I kick Hex under the table as he snorts quietly, too quiet for mum or Brian to hear.

Mum turns in her chair to look at him face on. "Don't tell me you sold it!"  Her eyes widening in what seems like disbelief. It? What the fuck is 'it?'

My eyes move back and forth like I'm following a tennis ball as I watch them act like two teenagers.

"I sure did!" Mum claps her hands to express her happiness while I suppress the urge to vomit on the table.

Hex and I watch as they carry the conversation on between the two of them and by the time Hex and I are almost done with our dinner, they've hardly touched theirs. I can't help but feel it was too soon to meet Brian and maybe him and mum had a lot more of getting to know each other before I met him. But I can't blame mum for being excited, he seems genuinely sweet.

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