Chapter Twenty

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I wring my hands anxiously. I had awoken when Hex kissed me goodbye this morning and even though I didn't have to wake for another half an hour, I couldn't go back to sleep.

Mum had been fussing with the pans all morning as she cooked herself breakfast. She had always been an early riser but something about this morning was different. She was nervous and kept fidgeting with anything she could get her hands on. I didn't even have to say a word, only raise an eyebrow before she blurted it out.

"The government called me this morning" she bites at her nail as she talks, a habit I had inherited. "They want me to start today, said they're short on staff" I see the nervous smile peak out from behind her hand before lowers it and leans on the opposite side of the island.

"Today?" I asked. Is it even legal to give someone such a short amount of time to prepare for a new job?

She nods and I see the anxiousness in her eyes no matter how well she tries to hide it.

I reassure her that she'll do well and that they'd be stupid to not like her.

So, here I wait for a text or phone call from mum telling me about how it's going. I remember the nerves mum had for me when I started working at the prison and I can only do the same for her.

I watch as Sarah works around us. She's proven herself to be hardworking and reliable. It took her only a week to get the hang of things around Darby's and now she works like a pro, not even asking for help.

Kevin sits at a table to the side by himself. Even though his life is back on track, the loneliness can be seen clearly. Most of his social interactions were done over drinking and now that he's not drinking I can see the odds he weighs up; drink or loneliness.

I snap out of watching Kevin as Harley bumps her hip into mine.

"Hey" she says as she follows my gaze to Kevin. Seems I'm not the only one that's notice his new found loneliness but she doesn't say anything about it.

"Hey" I say back. I wait for her to bring up the elephant in the room; the hospice care home that her and Hex had toured last night.

I only know what Hex told me in small detail and I'm eager to know how he handled it, seeing as he only brushed over the topic last night.

"I put mum on the waiting list" she mutters from besides me. I look at her from the corner of my eye; Hex hadn't mentioned that part. "Seems they have a room because I got a call this morning and she moves in next week" she sighs.

I stay silent until I can word what I want to say in reply. Does Hex know about that second part yet?

I know the both of them weren't expecting things to move this fast but at the same time, this is what Wyonna needs and the faster she gets it, the better.

These people are trained and educated in exactly her disease and can make her comfortable.

"I texted Hex; no reply" she reads my mind. The no reply makes me nervous but I also hadn't heard from him so maybe he hadn't seen the text yet.

"How'd he go last night? He seemed okay when he got home" I leave out the part about the cigarette, he's using it as a coping mechanism and I prefer that over violence.

Harley shrugs "he seemed okay, quiet but okay. Until the end, he kind of just left... without a word" I nod, sounds like Hex.

"Don't take it personally" I reassure her "he just, he's just having a hard time coming to terms with it all".

"So am I" She snaps immediately after I finish. I bite my bottom lip as I pick at my finger nail. "Sorry" she whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

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