Chapter FiftyEight

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Hex kissed me goodbye this morning as he was leaving for work. I woke up in time for work but found myself laying in bed until well past my alarm and eventually past the time I was due to be at work.

I texted Harley and said I wasn't feeling great. That was a lie, I feel fine, physically at least. But something was stirring in my gut. Something about the conversation with Hex last night had stirred up emotions that I'm not sure how to handle.

I had agreed in the moment partly because I believed that by the time we're ready for children I would have changed my mind but the clarity that came with waking up this morning had installed the fear that that may never happen. Would Hex be okay with that?

I also agreed because I didn't want to argue. We hadn't been arguing lately but the slow feeling of distance between us had been felt; on my end at least. I had wondered if Hex had felt the distance or noticed it but he never mentioned it. I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't noticed, he has a lot going on at the moment with Wyonna and even though he won't admit it I know that the whole situation with Amos and Ace is bothering him. Whether he's worried or angry, I don't know but I can feel it in our bond. Its affecting him.

I don't want to be alone today but Harley and Hex were both at work. I even consider calling Josie but we had drifted over the last few months except for the occasional text. I don't want to come out of nowhere and dump a load of bullshit on her, especially now that she's a mother; she has enough on her plate.

And so I found myself at mums front door in the early morning hours of this chilly Thursday. I should've been at work half an hour ago but the frost that sticks to the grass and the fog that lines the streets, leaving my car windows frosted makes me glad I'm here instead.

I park in mums driveway and lock my car.

A ping from my phone stops me at the bottom of the steps leading up to her front door as I pull it out of my pocket.

My heart pounds when I see it's Hex.

Harley said you're not at work; everything okay?

I should be well past the point of feeling heart flutters when Hex texts me but even after all these years he still makes my heart beat faster.

Everything's fine, just not feeling work today. Don't tell Harley.

I put the phone back in my pocket and jog up the steps. I don't get the chance to raise my hand and knock on the door as mum pulls it open. She's still dressed in her dressing gown and pulls it tight around her as the cold air that blows inside her apartment.

"Honey! What are you doing here?" She asks as she opens her arms and embraces me, kissing my cheek in the process.

"Thought I'd come hang out for the day. Were you still in bed?" I question as I pull back. It may still be early but mum was never one to sleep in and always someone who woke at the crack of dawn.

Her unruly hair gave away the fact that she had just rolled out of bed; she must have seen me from her bedroom window.

I take a step to enter the apartment but pause abruptly when someone else comes into view.

"I had fun; I'll see you later" Brian presses a kiss to mums cheek. He's dressed in a suit with dress shoes and carry's a briefcase that reminds me of the one Charlie carry's. He had stayed the night and he still hadn't noticed me standing less than five feet from them.

He turns to head out the door but stops as he sees me blocking his way. I move out of the way and wave him through as he walks past.

"Morning Poppy" he says quietly he hides his eyes by tipping his head as a hello and also a goodbye. He scurries to his car that I hadn't noticed had been parked across the street.

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