Chapter ThirtyThree

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I had left work without informing Stevie. I would've left even if he said I couldn't. What's he going to do? Fire me? Call me into his office again? I don't think even Stevie is dumb enough to do that right now. I'm still worked up about that stupid conversation but the distraction of Hex's pain had lessened it slightly.

He can't even ask Harley about me leaving because she'll quite literally rip his head off. And he won't bother asking Sarah, I don't think he has spoken to her since she was hired. I hope she knows it's because he's a prick and not because of anything she's done.

Besides, I feel less guilty about leaving now that Sarah is settled in and knows the in's and out's of Darby's. And Harley has also reassured me that everything would be fine without me.

And so I made my way to Silverwood Public Hospital. I don't doubt that the lady at reception will begin to recognise me with how often I've been here over the years.

I find Hex in a waiting room, surrounded by screaming, sick children that were waiting for their own appointment's as their tired parents try there best to soothe them.

His hand is wrapped in paper towel that I assume came from the mechanic shop. It's stained red and makes me swallow harshly. I guess the cut is worse then I thought.

"Jesus Christ, Hex" I exclaim as I stop in front of him. He looks up from the chair in confusion as he sets his gaze on me.

"What are you doing here, baby?" He questions and starts to stand but I stop him with a hand on his shoulder and push him back into the chair. His hair is a mess from his hands running through it and his face seems kind of pale. It's definitely not from the blood because he had caused a lot more blood spill then a cut, I hope he's not getting sick.

"Clyde called me" I explain and take the seat next to him, placing my palm on his knee as it bounces.

"Of course he fucking did" he grumbles from besides me. "Ah fuck, he's got my phone" he continues.

"How did you get here?" Surely he would've been brought in through emergency if he arrived by ambulance? Right? Did Clyde drive him?

"Drove here" he avoids eye contact as he says it, like he knows I won't approve of the answer.

I tsk under my breath but am in no way surprised. This isn't the first time Hex had refused help. It's also not the second or third time.

I get curious after a moment and slowly pull back the paper towel that covers his hand. He lets me and watches closely.

The bleeding had stopped but the cut was long across his entire palm and deep enough that I could see his flesh inside.

I physically feel my face pale and cover it back up quickly.

"You need to be more careful, you'll be held together by stitches soon enough" I mumble as I look over the rest of the room and watch the snotty kids run around.

Hex leans back in his chair and man spreads, his boots slapping the lino floor and he runs his hand through his hair with a breath of frustration as we wait. I wonder how long he's been sitting here, waiting.

"How'd you get off work anyway?" He asks. I avoid his eyes as the anger is reignited inside of me at the thought of Darby's.

"I'll tell you later" I shake my head. Hex picks up on my mood change quickly but before he can ask about it a doctor walks into the waiting room.

Parents perk up, hoping it's their child's turn but deflate again when the doctor turns to us instead.

"Hex Rose?" Hex stands and I follow, hoping the doctor will let me in the room with them so that I don't have to sit with the kids any longer.

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