Chapter Eight

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Clyde's name lights up the screen reading simply: good job today.

The text pulls a small smile to my lips at the comforting message, something I'm sure Hex will appreciate when he sees it, even if he doesn't verbally express it.

I don't touch the phone, instead I lean over the edge of the bed and look down at it as it rests on the bedside table. His phone background is the original that comes with a new phone, come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen him even open the camera app.

I lie on my back again and listen to the shower running, it's calming. The room goes dark again when the phone screen turns off. I take a deep breath as my heart rate picks up.

I groan quietly, giving in and reaching for the phone. I unlock it easily since Hex never put a password on it. It calms my racing heart slightly, knowing that he hadn't tried to lock me out.

I know I shouldn't be doing this, I feel like I'm disrespecting Hex and crossing a boundary. But it ends as quick as it starts and I never have the chance to pull up his call log because the shower turns off. I hurriedly turn off the phone and place it back on the bedside table where it previously laid.

I listen to the noises coming from the kitchen as mum gets a start on dinner, I should go and help her but I need to have this conversation with Hex first. I continue lying in the dark as I wait for him to come out of the bathroom.

He makes an appearance a few minutes later, his body on show as a towel is wrapped around his waist. His hair is still dripping and his skin shines from the steam of the bathroom. The sight of his tattoos and his brand on display makes me roll onto my side, firstly so that I can watch him as he makes his way to the closet and secondly to suppress the throb between my legs.

The room is still dark and illuminated by the bathroom light as it shines in. It becomes brighter when Hex flicks the closet light on too.

"Hex" I call, my voice quiet. Partly because I'm still drowsy but also because I'm wary of how he'll react to my questioning.

"Yeah baby?" He calls back as he remains out of my sight. I see his shadow moving in the light as he swipes through his hanging clothes.

"Can you come here?" I ask; I see his shadow pause before he walks out of the closet and takes a seat on the side of the bed by my hip. His face holds worry as he leans over me, one hand by my waist as he sits and I remain lying.

"What's wrong?" He grumbles as he gives my hip a squeeze "Harley and Stevie again?" He questions. I say nothing and shake my head. His concern grows as his eyebrows furrow and his bottom lip is caught between his bottom teeth.

I sit up, causing him to sit back. I scoot up and then scramble onto his lap, straddling him as he leans back on his hands.

I look into his eyes for anything but there's only confusion and worry.

"Why'd you lie to me?" I ask as my hands run down his chest, my nails scratching his skin lightly.

He doesn't seem confused and concerned anymore but he still asks me: "lie?" I nod as he drops his head to his right and continues looking at me.

"Yes, lie" I state "you didn't call Harley".

I watch as his eyes flick to his phone and I resist the urge to look over at it. His eyes fall back onto me, his stare intense and I shuffle a little on his towel covered lap, the rough material not doing anything to help me.

"Did you go through my phone, Poppy?" Hex whispers, his voice somewhat sinister and I know he feels the shiver that runs through me.

I don't answer and continue holding his eyes to mine.

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