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"I see Huening Kai wants to stop breathing. Forever".

"That's rude. Only because you're annoyed it doesn't mean you have the right to take it out on all of us", Heejin rolled her eyes and then felt Yeonjun tensing after her words sunk. "If you're angry it's at yourself because you touched me".

"How did I touch you when all I was doing was to avoid you?!"

"I was in the kitchen first, so you definitely were the one to touch me", Heejin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Now she's getting pissed off", Beomgyu commented towards Soobin, who nodded.

"She will hit him", Huening Kai joined the other three members in the kitchen after they'd settled Heejin and Yeonjun at her bedroom.

"I bought gloves so I didn't touch you!"

"Then why did you?!"

"I didn't mean to! Ouch!"

"And... she hit him", Taehyun sighed.

"It's okay. They just have to work through it like the big people they are", Soobin sounded unconvinced.

"I just think Yeonjun hyung will suck it up to not be called a murderer", Kai pointed out. "But I don't think they're getting along, just that attitude he's got when he's around her even makes me feel irritated with him".

"Yeah. I don't know what's gotten into his brain".

"Just touch me", Heejin sighed.

She had smacked Yeonjun's hand for being rude towards her and the maknae, and ever since he had crossed his arms and looked away. Her temperature had dropped drastically, her lips were now a purple shade and her body was limp. Heejin could hear her heart pulsing slower by the second in her ears, and she was shivering as if she'd been buried in ice.

Yet still, Yeonjun wouldn't look her way.

"That's weird, they're not arguing anymore", Beomgyu countered.

Suddenly, they had stopped sensing Heejin's irritation through the bond, and it was quite refreshing to think they might be getting along.

"Do you think maybe he realized he was being a prick and–"

"Oh no! No, no, no!", Yeonjun's desperate cries could be heard from her room.

They ran towards the pair, hoping to see something like Yeonjun's nose bleeding because she had punched him, or her tattoo changing again –which would be weird–, but they didn't expect to see her fainted form laying on the bed and Yeonjun looking like a complete mess.

"Hyung...", Kai's desperation could be felt through his voice.

Heejin looked fragile; like a glass statue standing in the edge of a table, just about to fall.

"Hyung!", Soobin started taking his own shirt off and walking towards the passed out girl.

"No!", Taehyun called after Soobin. They all turned to look at him, and he scratched his neck. "The only one who can help her is the one she's bonding with".

He had been researching. Like, of course he had been. He wanted to know what to expect, what to do and what to avoid.

Taehyun had dreamed about finding his soulmate ever since he was a little kid. He wondered what it was like because his mother had been a single mother and she had never found her soulmate. He didn't grow up knowing about soulmates or bonding, and his mother couldn't really help him in that matter.

So it was something he had done some research. He wanted to je the best soulmate to his soulmate, and he also wanted to be the one his soulmate would rely on. Even if his soulmate had four other soulmates.

"What do you mean? We can't do anything?!", Kai was freaking out and Beomgyu seemed to start panicking too because Heejin looked very dead.

"The only bond that's weak enough to have her sick like this is her and hyung's", Taehyun explained while approaching the older man and started taking his shirt off. "Strip".

"WHAT?!", Kai screeched.

"Not completely, but you need to hold her and your skins need to touch as much as they can".

Soobin and Beomgyu carefully stripped Heejin until the was only in her underwear. Yeonjun sighed. Even when he didn't want to be a murderer, he didn't want to bond with Heejin.

Yeonjun wanted her out of there.

"Hold her, hyung", Taehyun stated. His voice wasn't soft anymore. It was a command, one strong and very direct command.

There was no way in hell he was losing his soulmate before finding out what it felt like to have one.

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