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The aftershock of the kiss was palpable. Heejin could feel all the eyes on them when they watched a movie, and she had stated she was too tired to go hiking, when in reality she needed some time alone to sort her own mind out.

The farther apart the boys were from her, the less strong her feelings would come through the bond –unless they were so intense they pushed themselves through the bond even if she tried not to, like that time Yeonjun was so desolate she had woken up in the middle of the night.

And truth is, she didn't know what she was feeling. Yeonjun's kiss had been so intense but at the same time it had felt so distant... as if he was holding something in. As if he didn't want to kiss her yet he needed to and he had succumbed to his needs more than he was listening to his brain.

They had come back and she had already made some food for them. After kissing all her soulmates hello, even Yeonjun who was so nervous to kiss her again it was palpable even not through the bond. He had gone completely beet red and she giggled, while walking them to the table.

The maknaes had talked all about the hiking experience, but then the silence had slowly made its way through dinner. They all certainly had a lot to think about, and the fact that all the feelings swirled through Heejin's end of all the bonds didn't make it easy for her to focus even to make small talk.

It was all silence.

"So now that you've kissed...", Huening Kai was the first one to cut through the painfully silent dinner time. "Does that mean you're okay now?"


"I don't know", Heejin replied truthfully, playing with the vegetables on her plate.

"Maybe you should talk about it. Since hyung was being a prick before", Beomgyu didn't lift his eyes from his own plate. She could feel his jealousy pushing into the bond.

"This is not a conversation we should have during dinner".

"It's not a conversation we should have at all", Yeonjun commented.

"Why not? It affects us all!"

Heejin could feel Beomgyu was fighting between his jealousy but also with a little bit of betrayal. She knew they had all taken a little break from work but as of now she had only been around Yeonjun. And she had kissed him on command, in front of everyone.

Yeonjun looked like he was about to explode, and Heejin could feel it too. The intense feelings swirling inside him, wanting to be released but also being kept locked inside by fear.

What was it so big yet so scary to him? How could she help him overcome it?

"It's between me and her, Beomgyu".

"It's never been only you and her and you know it", the younger retaliated. "It's never going to be just you and her, ever. That's why we should all talk about it".

"Beomgyu, no".

"Beomgyu, yes", the younger dared Yeonjun with his eyes. "Say it. We all know there's some shit you've been keeping inside, and we all know about that day you both came home at God knows what time, soaking wet. And we all know you sobbed your way into sleeping, and that you've been crying every night when you think no one else is awake. So talk".

"He doesn't want to–"

"He has to! I'm sorry but this stupid game of him wanting you desperatel but then pushing you away and hurting all of us in the process is tiring, and I've had enough. So he has to talk, and he better do it know".

"We shouldn't force him".

"It's now or later, but it's happening. So he better just spill it. What the fuck is wrong with you?", he asked his hyung and his eyes were fixed on the older one.

Heejin could feel all of her other soulmates' feelings, and they were all waiting on a response from Yeonjun. They all wanted to know, and it would be a lie to say Heejin wasn't curious too.

"Because I fucking love you!", he yelled and looked Beomgyu in the eye. "Because I love you, and Soobin and Taehyun and Huening Kai and all she's done is take you away from me! That's why", he mumbled and then his eyes welled up with tears.

Heejin could feel the despair and sadness coming from his bond, and he stormed out of the room.

"Well, that went so good. Congrats, Gyu", Heejin spat and followed Yeonjun before he could lock himself in the room.

She could feel all of their footsteps following behind, and only one thing pushing through Soobin, Kai's and Beomgyu's bond: understanding. And reciprocation.

So they all love each other yay we love polyamorous relationships in this household hehe

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