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"It's not usual, but we've seen it happen before", the Souldoctor stated. He retracted his magnifying glass from the II tattoo on Soobin's arm, near his elbow, and examined Yeonjun's.

"So everything is okay?", Soobin asked.

Heejin touched her soulmate's shoulder, rubbing soothingly to help ease his racing heart.

"As long as you guys finish the bonding process for 24 hours, everything should be completely fine", he smiled.

"But would that mean... what about recharging-"

"Ah, as long as you keep skin to skin contact with one of your soulmates, then it's okay. Miss..."


"For her it's like that. She energized all of you but for her only one of the "recharging" times was necessary for... survival. And I can tell you guys are not only a soul group, but a soul net. It means you are all connected to each other, and the secondary, tertiary and more bonds will appear when your love for each other is shown".

Since they were all connected to Heejin, given their primary soul bond was to her soul, if they fell in love with each other besides her and showed it through skinship, then their souls would connect.

Then, the whole bonding process needed to take place, and after that, only one "recharging" was necessary for them to keep living, since they would all be connected with each other and with Heejin.

It also turns out they didn't need to turn 18 years old in order for their soulmates tattoos to be revealed, since they were a soul net and not a soul group. That meant, that if the remaining three bonded with either Soobin or Yeonjun, their tattoos would appear instantly, showing a II. The number would increase until they finished the whole net, and only then they would get to see their definitive soulmate tattoo– the one they all would share for the rest of their lives.

"Thank you, Doctor", Yeonjun bowed and all his juniors did too.

"It's okay, young man", he smiled while writing down something. "It's not common for someone my age to say they saw something for the first time, more so, something that was birthed from love", Soobin and Yeonjun's cheeks burned red, yet their hands only held esch other's more tightly. "So maybe I should be the one thanking you".

They all left the doctor's office and talked between each other, until they got to their van.

"Can I please...?", Taehyun was cut off with Heejin's hand taking his shirt in her hand and pulling him closer to her face.

"Stop whining, we needed to take care of emergencies that came along the way. But don't think for a second that I don't want to bond with you".

"I could kiss you right now, noona", he whispered. Heejin smiled.

"I would like that", she pouted. "But I have a tingling the others I haven't kissed yet may be jealous", she smiled again. "So, here".

And she kissed his cheek. He fell to the ground, the pain taking him back by surprise and being stronger than he had anticipated. The same went through Heejin, them both losing their balances and feeling the burning of their skins.

Yet, Taehyun was smiling, even when he was moaning in pain.


He had finally connected his soul to Heejin's. And more importantly, he now had corroborated two things.

First, he was a part of the soul net. And two, he had not only one soulmate, but five. And they all turned out to be the people he loved the most.

Heejin's tattoo changed from I to 0, and after the initial shock, Taehyun helped her up on her feet and hugged her closely.

He inhaled her sweet flowery smell, and felt his hands tingling with the desire to touch her all over. It was as if when touching her, only peace surrounded him, grounding him and calming all his erratic emotions.

He realized she was his anchor, and now that he had found her her was sure as hell never letting her go. Because he needed her, and she needed him.

"This is so cute, I almost want to kiss Kai", Beomgyu blurted out, yet the moment the words left his lips he became a blushing mess.

"Then why don't you, hyung? I am not planning on stopping you, ever".

The fluff from here on is enormous so suit yourselves!

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