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She knew she was falling slowly for Yeonjun. She didn't need the reminder of her tummy filling with butterflies at the sight of the boy asleep, with the book open over his tummy so he could go back to reading when he woke up.

Heejin had made a mental note of which page he was on, just in case the book fell off him and he couldn't remember where he had left off.

Even when he had been avoiding her and making her angry every two seconds, she couldn't help but have feelings towards him.

She decided to blame the soul bond. Maybe it was mandatory that after a while you end up falling in love with your soulmate. Oh, that made her heart do summersaults every time she thought about it. Maybe it was meant to be and Yeonjun would love her some day.

Some day.

The door creaked open and Soobin shoved his head slowly in.

"Can I have some freedom?", she whispered while pointing to her arm that was attached to Yeonjun's.

The younger one smiled and set her free for a while, following her out of the room while they let Yeonjun sleep. No one else knew, but Heejin was aware that he was not getting enough hours of sleep.

She suspected the reason for it was the same that on that night made him walk into the storm and cry his heart out.

Heejin wondered if he'd ever let her help him.

"I need some piano time", she commented, cracking her knuckles.

"But noona, you're not studying piano anymore", Kai tilted his head in confusion.

"When you're used to something as a means to escape reality, it doesn't matter if you're making a living out of it", she smiled. Walking towards the piano they held in the living room of the house they were staying for the short trip, she kissed his forehead.

He hummed delightfully and she smiled. She loved when she could make them feel better, even if it was a brush of lips against forehead, or a small hug. She liked to be needed, and to need them too. It made her feel somewhat complete.

Like whenever they were together, all the pieces of her that she hadn't found in the past were finally sticking together. As if everything she'd ever needed since she was born was now within reach.

She took a small breath in and sat in front of the piano, letting her fingers dance within the  keys. The small ballerinas making the most beautiful sound, making her bonds be filled with awe, admiration and a soothing feeling.

And then, a fourth feeling pushed through the bond so strongly Heejin had to stop playing and looked up, only to find Yeonjun's eyes focused only on her.

"Don't mind me", is all he said as he made his way towards the kitchen.

It was faint. Almost unnoticeable. But Heejin felt it. Not sure if it was love what was coming from Yeonjun, she breathed in trying to not get her hopes up. And she kept on playing the piano. But that strange feeling was coming in waves that grew bigger and bigger, almost suffocating her.

"I'm so done with this", he mumbled while placing the water heater on the counter and storming towards Heejin. "Stand".

"Hyung", Soobin complained by the harsh way he had commanted Heejin to move.

But she stood.

"Stop this", his brows were knit together and she could almost only hear her own heart beating against her eardrums.

More waves of that feeling coming from the boy in front of her. She needed to grasp it, to feel it inside too. She didn't want the feeling to be on the surface, she wanted it to be deep. She wanted it to twirl with all the feelings she had mingling inside from all of her other bonds.

"I can't stop it", she murmured. Her hand ached to reach out to his beautiful face and caress his soft skin. It was almost like her hand belonged there, as if it was meant to be touching him forever and ever.

"Make it stop", he commanded again.

Beomgyu had risen from his place on the couch but Soobin was holding onto him. Still, whatever was that Yeonjun was feeling was so strong, she could barely feel the hope Soobin was feeling and the worry that surged through Beomgyu.

"Heejin, make it stop", Yeonjun's eyes were now filling with tears and she knew what she needed to do, but she doubted that that was what he was implying.

Was he really asking for a kiss? Could it be?

"You know I have to–"


Then it was as if no one else was there. She succumbed to the calling of his lips and held to the nape of Yeonjun to push him towards herself. He had to crouch a little to be able to kiss her, but it didn't matter. Not when this growing feeling was taking over every inch of either one of them.

The boys could feel it too: the need, the desire of lips against lips, the ever growing feeling of love.

And when they kissed, it was like the world exploded.

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