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"I just don't understand why they're all shitty? Like the audacity to make us both pay seven hundred dollars a month for four walls that are decrepit and our involuntary pets are mice!" I exasperated and my girlfriend watched me pace around her room.

"Well we have two more to go to this week so it's okay, we'll be fine." She tried to calm me down and I myself sat down in her computer chair.

"May I?" I questioned as I touched her laptop and she nodded with a small giggle.

"Go ahead." She didn't mind at all and I pushed open the laptop.

"If you want I can call one of them back to see if I can schedule it for today?" She questioned and I looked up nearby apartments or condos.

"Sure." I mumbled and she sighed to herself just to get up and kiss the top of my head.

"Don't stress over this okay? We'll find a place when it's right." She kissed my cheek before she reached my lips and hummed, "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her back and she leaned up just to pull her phone out of her pocket.

"I'll be right back." She then slipped out of her room and I continued on my own search of apartments.

Going to all kinds of different websites and makeshift sites, just anything that was legit. I did not wanna be around my own dorm since what happened and I didn't wanna hear him out right now. Maybe it wasn't meant to sound that way but he sucks with words and I was so tired of his mistakes and him acting like he's innocent. I was also so tired of hearing constant noise and interruptions from her roommates when we're trying to sleep or doing literally anything. I'd never say anything about her best friends to her but it was incredibly annoying whenever I'd try to go down on her and she's needed by one of the girls. Let alone being in the middle of the peak of my climax and someone needing something right away. Not fun.

I leaned back after immediately losing motivation of seeing the prices of just down the street of our own dorm. It was fucking so ridiculously high for no reason, I hated this. I hated feeling stressed over trying to live comfortably and having to spend money and worry about what might be next. I hated the worry of my own reputation because Shawn liked to live out of his brain and his imagination. I just wanted to be happy with Y/NN. I wanted everything to hurry up and make this stress worth it. I looked at the time and realized I had class in about thirty minutes which meant I was very behind on that as well.

"Fuck." I groaned and got up to slip my shoes on and one of my girlfriends jackets over my shoulders.

I heard the door open again and she came in with a smile causing me to pout while she took a stride towards me and encaptured me in a tight hug. She quickly pecked up my face and grabbed my face to kiss me deeply.

"He agreed to meet us in three hours, so please, please, don't worry about anything. Go to class and when you get out I'll be waiting out back for you." She calmed me down and I nodded as I grabbed my backpack.

"How about... I drive you, get some food for us, and I'll pick you up and then we can do something around the apartment until the time comes up?" She questioned and that made me feel a lot more at ease causing me to breathe out in relief.

"Alright that's my girl." She kissed my lips and smacked my behind as she leaned back.

"Let me go start the truck and I'll see you down there." She kissed me again and quickly left causing me to look up at the ceiling.

"A perfect, perfect woman." I sighed in heaven and took my time putting my hair up.


Time went by again and I was dropped off by my very loving girlfriend while I was stuck learning about certain affects that music might have over different phases of our emotional regions. I knew I probably needed to finally put all of my notes all in a file on my laptop because the notebook I had was running out of paper. It just seemed a lot easier to understand if I wrote it down instead of typing it out. Which was also getting a bit stressful because now I was getting a lot more homework and assignments from all of my classes than normal.

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