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Last few weeks were tough. The day she left was something else and I fucking fell into a hole when I had no one to actually hang out with. Dinah liked to party especially more now since it was now officially summer. Spring was always a bit bipolar, one day it'd be pouring down rain and forty degrees (4°C) ; then the next would be sunny and ready for the beaches to be packed up. I was just glad it was finally warmer now and it was gonna stay this way.

Hailee tagged along anywhere as long as she had something to do; she didn't really like the party scene all too much, she'd rather focus on her music. Which I could definitely relate to. We had stayed up one night till almost morning just fucking around in the campus studios. It was a privilege that we both had for exceeding the certain areas in our class. We were very certain what we wanted to do even if I was picky on what I wanted my main major to be.

Ashlee wasn't in the picture since she flew back to Illinois to be with her family for the summer. I missed the hell out of her because she was the only girl in my group who could play guitar. She helped me a lot. And I wasn't even going to include Austin or Shawn since well I wasn't talking to Shawn and I don't willingly ask Austin to hangout. I wouldn't want to purposely ask a guy out as a friend who's main thing was to hit on every single thing you do.

Pick up a paper? Hot. Drink a water? Hot. Wipe off my forehead? Hot- Oh, fuck. That's why I do to Y/N- you know what? Never mind that, I just didn't wanna fuck with Austin the entire summer. I just wanted Y/N.

Remembering back to when my girlfriend left for her internship instead of us riding off down south was fucked. I had actually been acting like I was watching her leave for war. As if she was leaving to fight for her life and I was never going to see her again. What a pussy! I was going to see her in the next few weeks and I totally bursted with tears. Something about her driving off with bags in the bed of her truck pulled a string.

I didn't like that image.

Y/N called me that night while I was in her bed and she was telling me how something messed up. She had to move into a dorm similar to mine at the nearby college which she still didn't have to pay for (thankfully). The only good news from her day was that there was other kids there for the same internship.

She was meeting more people- more potential co-workers and I loved how she tried to grimace at it. She didn't like meeting new people even if she was the most charismatic person I knew she could be. When she got comfortable everyone loved her and I couldn't wait to see what her future would become. She eventually fell asleep on the phone since her first day started the next and I admired her every minute until it was my time.

So, during that time of moping around and literally sleeping in her own room, I annoyed her roommates. They annoyed me too since they kept bringing up my vocal ability in the bedroom. But since I was sleeping in her room I had the habit of thinking it was now mine.

I had gotten wasted one night with Dinah since I had no where else to go. I didn't expect my summer to be like this but it was something. I had to fend off every fuckboy in a five mile radius like a drunk Wonder Woman. As much as I hated to admit it, I had such a great time. She didn't ditch me for a guy like I expected and she stuck with me and Hailee the entire duration.

We ended up all piling into Y/N's room and watching any eighties to nineties movie romcoms. We thought it was perfect but Lauren didn't think so when she had to wait an hour to use one of the bathrooms. She was furious and woke everyone up by yelling at me and my friends. She wanted me and the girls out but I had also found out later that day she had a falling out with a friend of hers. A very good looking friend at that too.

I could understand either way if she did or didn't have a falling out- this was her apartment, her dorm. I was just Y/N's girlfriend I didn't have the same rights my lover had. I needed to respect that and after that I ended up in my dorm keeping my distance from my girls' roommates. Partying and working overtime since again, Ashlee was out and we were short on employees. Joe was picky on who he hired and it was one of the things I disliked. I had to work a lot and most of my money came from tips.

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