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After about two more classes and now a mountain of study material and homework, I had finally managed to walk my way to my new apartment. I knew I still needed to get my stuff from my dorm but I was absolutely exhausted today. At the very least I knew I had until the end of the month to fully clean everything out and hopefully by then my own apartment would look a bit more... full. There was two kiddish bowls in the sink and our mattress still lying on the floor with our blankets strewn about. There was only so much I could do until my girlfriend got home.

So, as much as I hated it, I sucked up the dread of having to do so much work when I literally did it to myself... I pulled out my laptop. I plugged all of my electronics onto their chargers and tried to finish up as much as I could before Y/NN got home. My back pressed against the wall as certain notebooks were open and also being actively written in since I didn't copy most of my work down from the week before. Ally always pulled through for me with my note taking and I was forever grateful for her.

But as the hours went by and the sun started to fade behind buildings and clouds which turned the sky into a dark orange hue I started to wonder. My girlfriend was out the entire day and it had been a good twelve hours since she got to work. I picked up my phone to send her a text message asking if she were okay and where she was. It didn't deliver right away and it took a few long minutes of waiting to see the little gray word under my message. I kept up with my work knowing I had no other choice and I really needed to keep myself busy so I wouldn't worry about her so much. It was probably a long day for the both of us.

Yet as chunks of time started to pass I started to grow more worried especially after a couple more texts where it eventually didn't deliver at all. I did my best to keep calm and even started to work a little on my project that was due in a month or so. Wrote a little bit of a song and even tried to get into Garage Band to help me out. Nothing helped. When it reached around ten o'clock at night, I had finished everything that I needed to which I was extremely surprised by yet was panicked to the max. She usually let me know if she was busy or if she was running late but I heard nothing. I didn't even have Donovan's number to ask if they were okay or if he's seen her.

So, I just sat in our new yet empty room as I waited for literally any sign that she was here. My heart racing more so than ever now, my body not liking the fact I kept making up terrible scenarios and had my entire being on edge. I had probably bitten most of my fingernails off- as much as I hated that habit. I couldn't even try and sleep since since my brain wouldn't shut down. Endless scrolling through any sort of social media app and groaning when the clock hit ten thirty.

But suddenly I heard a scrape at the door, my body perked up and when I heard some keys start to fiddle with the handle I shot right up. I ran out of the room to unlock the door before she could open it herself and when the door swung open, my body fell into a state of relief.

"Oh." She gasped in surprise and suddenly her cute little tired smile spread across her face, "Hi baby."

I noticed immediately that she looked exhausted while the grease and dried sweat marks across her body was a clear sign that she had a very rough day. Underneath one of her arms were a shower curtain and some towels and when she pushed past me to get into our home, she pressed her lips against my forehead.

"You okay?" She asked very softly and it seemed as if she was struggling to stay on her own two feet from how tired she was.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but are you?" I asked and she walked into our bathroom with a small huff.

"I am now." She shortly said before slowly stripping off her shirt and shoes.

"Y/NN?" I leaned against the doorframe as she looked up at me with tired eyes, "You didn't write back at all- I was really worried. Did something happen?"

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