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"Have a great Thanksgiving break! Please remember to try and review your notes over the weekend. After this break is over exams are gonna hammer in." My professor spoke while we all packed up while I looked at my phone for the time.

I looked over at Ally who was drinking a pumpkin spice coffee and she smiled up at me.

"Wanna go get another one?" She asked me and I shook my head hating how I couldn't hang out with my friend.

"I actually have a flight to catch in like three hours. I'd love to when I come back though."

"Flight? Where you going?" Ally stood up with me as we walked down the steps.

"Uhm Y/NN and I are gonna see her parents for Thanksgiving." I informed my friend and she gaped at me.

"Meeting the parents huh?" She nudged me and I couldn't help but slightly blush as I walked out of the class.

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal. I'm mostly there for support." I tried to slide through and she smirked cutely.

"Uh huh sure- aww this is so cute, she's letting you meet her family. You have to tell me everything about it when you come back." She walked with me out of the building into the park blocks.

"I guess it's a step in the right direction?" I squinted my eyes from the sun shining down despite it being literally forty degrees. 4°c

"It's definitely a step in the right direction! This is the type of memory you'll think back on in the future. Don't worry though you're amazing, they'll love you." She winked and I pulled my bag against my shoulder again so it wouldn't fall off.

I frowned to myself, would it be a possibility they'd hate me? There's no way, Don and Sam love me. I'm hoping I could be a good enough girl for their daughter. Not that their opinion mattered much anyway to me or Y/NN. It's just... they were her family, her real parents. I didn't like when people close to Y/N didn't like me, it kinda ruined the whole fantasy I created in my head.

"Oh hey! Before you go, did you get that song done? For SAMP?" She asked me and I stopped right in my tracks to look at her shorter self.

"Oh fuck." I realized the trouble I was in and looked at my phone to see the time.

"You know what? I'll just pull an all-nighter when I get back. I'm good at not obeying the laws of sleep before an important day." I slightly joked hoping my anxiety wouldn't flare up like a bad case of shingles on a forty year old woman.

"I'll leave the recording studio's key in my wreath on my door for when you come back." She has my back like no other and I gratefully hugged her as I breathed in quick.

"Okay, I gotta go now, I'll talk to you soon Allycat!" I rushed and waved as I started to jog down the park blocks.

I ran until I was gasping for air and even then I was dragging my ass up and down the halls of my dorm. Y/N waited right at the door and I huffed as she wiggled her keys out of boredom. Once she heard my whale calls she perked up and reached for my bag that probably weighed a hundred more pounds than it needed to.

"I'm so fucked aren't I? Are we gonna be late?" I gasped as I unlocked my door but she just chuckled.

"No? Don and Sam are still at their house, relax babe. We still have time."

"I don't wanna have time, I wanna be there early. We can chill around our terminal for an hour or so." I slightly panicked as I grabbed my carryon bag that I had previously packed.

"Babe, we're gonna be there for like a day and a half. You don't need to bring like two different bags. You'll be fine." She tired to calm me down and she grabbed my cheeks softly.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now