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Finals. Finals were fucking here. It was like, once Thanksgiving passed it was nothing but studying. Cramming every bit of knowledge into my brain, drowning myself with coffee. Keeping myself up to pay my half of the rent then just to crash at Y/NN's place. She was my study partner. At first it was distracting since she was my girlfriend and all I wanted to do was kiss those lips.

But once I noticed her start to get serious she really got serious. The nerd in her jumped out at me and held me hostage. I had probably studied more efficiently with her tips than I ever have. She was so good at testing me and even if I got a lot wrong she still made me feel like there was hope. She encouraged me to keep reading upon what I chose for my course. I really wanted to take up a double major but I really didn't wanna feel the urge to jump off the Tilikum Bridge/Crossing.

I played it safe and just chose the English course while I had a minor in some music production course. I had went into a nearby campus studio one time and instantly fell in love. I almost switched courses but I didn't wanna stress myself, I knew I could do whatever I wanted. I could pick whatever and still be happy. I just wanted to express myself and I was doing exactly that in either one.

Y/N didn't run at all this week because she was so stressed with finals coming up the two days. Y/N had the third most popular major which was business and I don't think I've ever seen her this stressed. She always put a front up so she wouldn't worry me but I saw right through her. I was a fucking professional coffee maker by now, I swear I had made like a hundred cups in one day.

Our nap dates were one of a kind during our breaks, we got that good sleep in. The type of nap you wake up with imprints in your skin and no correlation of what happened before you fell asleep. The beautiful stress induced coma and then you wake up as if flowers were blooming and everything seemed perfect. I think my face still had her zipper print lodged into my cheek.

I also knew that she had to come into her brother's repair shop since the holidays were here as well. Holiday season was something for all businesses, people needed parts, people had breakdowns in the cold, people need more checkups. It was good money for Y/NN and I could see that since her wallet was always filled nicely.

My mom had already bought me a plane ticket for next month since it was Christmas. I was pretty sure she wasn't gonna let me back out of Christmas. I just didn't wanna leave Y/N. I've gotten so attached to her and I knew I was gonna feel deep separation anxiety from her. She's honestly the only person I've connected with on an actual emotional and romantic level. I was loving it but I was terrified at the same time.

I wasn't the one to be jealous or envious of someone else but she had a first love already. It sounded real and authentic and Sophia seemed like she got Y/N through a lot. Much more than I could ever do. I wasn't really jealous but more so afraid that she'd wake up and realize something. Something that someone else had that I didn't. It was common.

I really needed to stop thinking so much about everything, I was gonna kill the mood.

"Ooh." Y/N pursed her lips as she turned up the radio as she bounced in her seat.

While I on the other hand still had a notebook in my lap along with a heavy textbook she let me borrow. The bop of the century came on and I turned to her as my messy bun flopped around. She shimmied her shoulders as she glanced at me with wiggling eyebrows.

"Nothing's perfect but it's worth it, after fighting through my tears.. and finally you put me first!"

"Baby it's you! You're the one I love! You're the one I need! You are the only one I see!" She sang loudly and I couldn't help but giggle as she pointed at me.

Did she say she loved me through a song? I'm gonna overthink for a million years now. Goodbye brain.

"You're the one the gives your all! You're the one I can always call! When I need to make everything stop finally you put my love on top!" She sang with her heart and I giggled deeply as she started to laugh through the lyrics.

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