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"Hey? You okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me.

I turned around more angry than saddened and I looked right at my ex lover. She hesitantly leaned against one of the patio posts and I just rolled my eyes. I didn't know why but I was still very much upset with her from how we left off years back. I didn't know why she stayed all this time tonight, I didn't wanna see her. I was okay without her in my life.

"What?" I spat out and she just sighed to herself.

"I asked if you were okay." She just repeated with a look I knew too well.

"I'm just fuckin' dandy, Sophia." I clenched my jaw looking away and she just quirked up her eyebrow.

"Just as sarcastic as I remember." She tried to lighten things up a bit but it just pushed my buttons even further.

"Yep, whatever." I just huffed as I kept looking out over the land of our backyard.

Silence fell over us for a few long moments and each little second that passed I was just getting more upset. I wanted Camila, not her.


"What the fuck are you even doing here, Sophia?" I just gave in and spat as I looked over my shoulder with my arms crossed.

She frowned slightly, "I always spend my holidays here... and you know that." She stared right into my eyes with a now irritated look.

"Just because you have a girlfriend now doesn't mean I'm gonna change my plans. This is my family too-"

"It's not." I snarled and she let out a breath, "Sticking up for me when we were younger and feeling more comfortable around them doesn't make you family. You were family."

"To you maybe." She glared with a soft expression on her face, "I know who my family is- why are you being such an ass?" She quickly cut herself off and I just rolled my eyes.

"Guess that will never change." She said in such a soft innocent voice but it was skin digging and I clenched my jaw.

It was like an instant flashback to when I was with her before, she would always and I mean always say the slickest shit then feign innocence. She was being "truthful" but she was just being a bitch. I knew I had a temper back then but, fuck, I knew I had grown from it. I grew a lot from being on my own and tasting freedom for myself. But hearing those words made me instantly turn to her and spit out what I had to say.

"Don't. Don't you dare act like you know who I am now. Don't you ever think you can determine if I've bettered myself or not- you don't get to decide that." I scoffed at her as I fully turned around now to face her.

"And she does?" She asked me then scoffed out a laugh, "You know what? I'm not here to argue with you. I needed to see if you were okay and you're blowing up at me when you should be blowing up at your own father."

"Whatever." I grumbled again and she just stared at me while I turned away.

"Why are you so mad at me?" She whispered after a couple moments and I just shook my head.

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