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"No, mama I don't think I can be there for thanksgiving next month. I know, I know. It's just too much and I don't want you to pay for a ticket when I can be there for Christmas. You're paying too much for me to be here anyway." I crossed my arms as I paced in front of the coffee shop I worked at.

"Mija but it's a day for family." She started to complain and I closed my eyes briefly.

"I know, but I can't this year. It's a one night dinner that happens every year. We practically have another thanksgiving dinner during Christmas."

"But Camilita-"

"Mama, please don't make me feel bad. You know I hate hearing you sad. I would love to come back home but I can't. You know you can't fly me out either. College is expensive and I should stay this time. Next year maybe, okay?" I tried to reason with my mom as I leaned up against the brick wall of the coffee shop.

"I guess, any new friends?" She tried switching the topic so she wouldn't push which I was thankful for.

"Uh yeah, I have my coworkers they're one of my closest friends I have here. Shawn and I really close too-"

"Oooh." She teased and I laughed shaking my head as a few students walked passed me.

"No, not like that." I snorted, he was an amazing guy but Y/N had captured my attention.

"Uh actually I met someone." I filled her in and she cackled a bit causing my cheeks to heat up.

I told my mom everything, she was my true and only best friend I ever needed. She didn't judge me. She put me on this earth and she wouldn't want me to hold back. My hero.

"Yeah, she comes in almost everyday to buy coffee. She's so cute ma." I softly groaned to get my point out and she giggled.

"Have you talked to her?" She snickered sensing as if I didn't actually know Y/N already.

"I mean I know how you like to daydream."

"Oh God." I blushed once more and she laughed, "Yes, I have... and we finished our third date last night."

"That's my Camila." She giggled again through her thick accent and I looked down the street.

"You need to tell me more-"

"Shawn kinda ruined it last night though. We fell asleep and he jumped on us in the middle of the night." I accidentally cut her off and all the while the door of the coffee shop opened.

"He what?" Hailee overheard and started to laugh causing me to curse to myself.

"He what?!" She laughed harder and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I started to giggle and shooed her away.

"Five minutes though." She warned with a deep laugh as she walked back inside.

"Fell asleep? In the same bed?" She hummed curiously and I quickly stopped her intrusive thoughts.

"Oh no, no, no, not like that. She's definitely not like that, she's surprisingly soft? Like she's super gentle and polite. Shit- we haven't even like-"


"Yeah, I mean kinda, you know? We've kissed only a handful of times but not like the way you'd usually see. I don't know." I giggled feeling embarrassed that I felt so strongly over this girl and nothing really happened yet.

"What?" She suddenly asked, "How long has this been going on?"

"Sunday." I snorted knowing it was only Thursday now, it hadn't even been a full week yet.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now