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Zuko POV

"Zuko you need to stop pacing, you are driving me nuts!" Katara shouted at me. I took a deep breath and leaned against the counter.

"How long has it been? Shouldn't the doctor be here by now?" I asked, now tapping my foot.

"We have barely been here for 5 minutes." My beautiful wife laughed. "This is only a check-up, why are you so nervous?"

"Because we can find out the sex of the baby this time!" I said with a huge smile. Softly, I placed a hand on Katara's belly where our baby was growing. Katara was about to hit 4 months and was beginning to show. Up until now you wouldn't have noticed at first glance and depended on what clothes she had on. She would complain that she felt huge and that it was obvious but I think it might have been the hormones.

"Maybe. Last time this little flower decided to position themselves where we couldn't see." Katara laughed as she put her hand on mine. I turned my head and kissed her putting my other hand on her neck. As I began to deepen the kiss, a knock came from the door. Some things never change.

"Hello you two." The doctor said as she walked in. She sat down and asked all the usual questions. Then she smiled before grabbing her gloves. "Lets take a peek and if your child will let us know the gender today." Katara moved her gown, that weird jelly squeezed on her stomach, and the doctor began moving the tool around. Soon a nice, clear heartbeat sounded through the machine. "That's good looks like their heart is at a steady rate. They are growing at a nice pace which I could tell by your size. I would expect an increase but thats nothing you should be worried about. Now they are in the prefect position to reveal the gender. Did you still want to know?"

A/N: I'm not pregnant and never been pregnant. I have no clue if what I wrote is true but just go with it please

We looked at each other and nodded. I know my eyes conveyed my excitement when Katara laughed. The doctor smiled and was quiet for a bit more as she moved the tool around. Then she moved the screen to us and said, "it's a girl."


"Izumi, get back here! We need to get you dressed." I said as I chased our 3 year old around the living room. She had only a diaper and Katara was no help. My wife simply stood in the doorway holding our 1 year old daughter, Kya, who was all ready for her birthday party.

"I thought you had it taken care of?" Katara taunted and Kya giggled as she was in on the joke. I sighed before changing my tactic.

"Izumi," I said calmly but stared at her. She froze in her spot. "Did you want to go with us to the party or stay in your room?" She gasped and her eyes going wide.

"I no go to party?" She asked her bottom lip beginning to tremble.

"Not if you don't get dressed." I answered holding out the dress Katara picked. At this, Izumi ran over and held up her arms. I smiled and slipped it over her head.

"Ok now?" She asked. I nodded causing her to squeal. "Mommy, I gets to go!"

"Yes my sweet girl. Uncle Sokka is in the backyard. Go say hi." Katara said patting her head. Our girl squealed again and ran outside. We laughed and I stood up catching Kya's attention. She lifted her hands making little grabbing motions. Katara passed her to me and I gave both a kiss. The one for my wife lasting until Kya hit me in the neck. "Guess the birthday girl needs all attention on her."

"That's not any different from every other day." I laughed and we walked outside. There Sokka was running around being chased by Izumi. "What is she this time?"

"Uncle Sokka is running away from the tiger-dillo." Suki said bouncing her and Sokka's one year boy on her lap. "How is it being back teaching?"

"I'm only back part time right now." Katara explained, "but I'm glad. I was a bit worried but once I entered the classroom, it was like riding a bike."

"I'm glad. Sokka won't admit it but he was worried about you." Suki whispered with a smile. We watched as Izumi caught up and thrusted her arms into the air. What we didn't expect was a small flame to spark from the end of her hand.

"Daddy! Mommy! Did you see?! Did you see?! I like Daddy!!" Izumi yelled as she ran over.

"Thats amazing!" Katara exclaimed picking up the new firebender. "But now you need to be really careful."

"Why Mommy?"

"Because fire can be really dangerous." I said trying to explain. "It is very hot and can hurt someone if you're not careful."

"I no wanna hurt anyone." She said with a little gasp. Then she looked at her hands almost afraid. At this, I gave Kya to Sokka and held her hands in mine. She raised her head and I gave her a smile.

"That is why we practice. While fire is dangerous it is also beautiful."

"I can be beautiful?" Izumi said the smile slowly returning to her face. I nodded and turned to Katara who looked at me softly. 

"Just like Mommy." I said placing another kiss on her lips.

"Yay! I like Daddy and Mommy!" Izumi called out making everyone laugh.

"Hello! Where is my little Izumi?" A voice called out. Izumi gasped and wiggled until Katara put her down.

"Aang-ie!" She yelled as she jumped up. She giggled as Aang used a mini tornado to catch her bring her to his arms. Toph smiled next to them. Izumi immediately started to tell them about her being a firebender. Katara wrapped her arms around my torso and I pulled her close. We smiled at each other.

"Thank you." I said. She looked up at me in confusion. I just smirked.

"For taking a chance on the biggest ass in the school."


Thank you all for reading my story! It took a lot longer than I had planned to finish it so I'm grateful to those you stuck by me. Also thankful to those who took a chance to read my story!

I do have other stories in mind but they are not Avatar fanfiction. Even so I hope you give them a chance when I do decide to post it.

Thank you again for reading and let me know what you think by leaving a comment or hitting that star

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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