Class Project

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Katara's POV


I have been ignoring Jet for two days and am just as mad at him as I was Friday night. He sent panda lilies to my room, which I immediately put in the trash, and has been blowing up my phone with texts and voicemail because I wasn't answering his calls. Yesterday, I found out the whole story from one of his friends. He used me in a bet with Zuko! This stupid feud was annoying from the sidelines and I don't wanna be used by either of those two. Honestly, I was surprised Zuko thought of me at all. I don't think he even knows who I am.

"There you are! Where have you been hiding?" Jet said from the doorway of my dorm room. 

"I'm in my room so not really hiding, am I?" I responded in a monotone voice without looking up from my textbook. I felt Jet sit on my bed but kept my eyes on my book.

"Kat, please look at me." 

I lifted my head for maybe two seconds and then went back to my book.

"Not what I meant." Jet said in an exasperated voice.

"I don't really care what YOU want right now. Since you didn't take into consideration what I might have wanted when you made that stupid bet with Zuko." I snapped back.

"I didn't think I was going to lose . . ."

"So that makes it ok!?" I interrupted him, letting my anger get the better of me.

"No, no of course not. You're right." Jet said. He knew I loved hearing those words. Jet moved to the floor, on his knees, so I had no choice but to look at him. "I let him get to me and made an idiotic choice. Please forgive me Kat." 

" . . . You are on thin ice." I finally responded. Jet cheered and leaped up to kiss me. I gave him a cheek only. Thin ice does not include kissing.


"I can't believe you forgave him so easily!" Toph said the next morning. Her, Suki and I were leaving the dining hall and heading to our first classes.

"Not completely. He still has to work for my complete forgiveness. Plus, I got back at him a little bit when I danced with Zuko on Friday."

"Which was a stroke of genius by the way." Suki exclaimed. "I was completely confused but now that I know why I love it!"

"Thanks, I guess." I  said with a laugh as I waved bye but stopped in the doorway of my class. There were too many people were in here, half in blue and the other half in red.

"Oh, don't worry beautiful." A voice said to my right. I turned and saw Azula and Zuko leaning against the wall. "You're definitely in the right place." 

"Then you must be in the wrong place cause I'm here for a waterbending lesson."

"I know. Waterbending in Battle, correct?" Zuko asked. I didn't respond but he took it as a yes. "That's great because we're here for Firebending in Battle." He finished, indicating himself, Azula and the red half of the class.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said in disbelief.

"Actually, no he isn't."  Master Paku said as he and Master Jeong Jeong walked into the room and we all bowed in respect. "As a new exercise, we will be focusing on how to battle your opposite element. To find, not just the weaknesses but your strengths as well."

"Thus you will be partnered with someone from the opposite element and work together for the next two weeks." Master Jeong Jeong completed.

Dear spirits, help me. I don't know any of the firebenders well except Azula and Zuko but I won't be picking them as a partner. Maybe Aang can just use firebending and be my partner that way.

"We have already picked your partners," Master Paku continued which ruined my plan, "so you will listen for your name and move to stand together."

"Aang, you will be using waterbending in this exercise and your partner will be Azula." Master Jeong Jeong began reading from a list. Azula is crazy skilled and Aang probably has the best chance in a battle, besides me. They kept reading off names but I hadn't heard mine. As people started standing next to their partners I wasn't really liking my options.

"Katara," I looked back at Master Paku, "You will be partnered with Zuko."

The spirits just love to mess with me. I glared at Zuko as he made his way to me. He had this look like he knew this would happen and knowing his family he might have.

"So it's Katara?" He asked. I can't believe it! He used me in a stupid bet and didn't even know my freaking name! I kept my face stone cold.

"Listen here, you jerk. I don't know your level of firebending and I don't care about any stupid ideas you have going on. All I want is a good grade and if you mess with that then our battle won't just be for practice." I replied in a low voice which I could tell took Zuko by surprise. He better watch it, I'm not going to take any of his crap. Only not sure how Jet is going to handle this. I guess he should be grateful. This might just shorten his time on ice.

So glad you are still reading this! I will post another chapter next Wednesday. I wonder what Mai is going to think about Zuko's new partner? Let me know what you think threw votes and comments.

Remember to smile at least once a day :)

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat